When I saved my LdaModel lda_model.save('model'), it saved 4 files: model model.expElogbeta.npy model.id2word model.state I want to use pyLDAvis.gensim to v
text='Alice is a student.She likes studying.Teachers are giving a lot of homewok.' I am trying to get topics from a simple text(like above) with coherance scor
When I run classifier.py in the openface demos directory using: classifier.py train ./generated-embeddings/ I get the following error message: --> fro
I am trying to use the LDA function to evaluate a corpus of text in R. However, when I do so, it seems to use the row names of the observations rather than the
I have a problem where I am using topic modelling and taking into consideration LDA & LSA approaches however have found that some of the topics are not bein