Category "leaflet"

Adding a leaflet in a precompile vignette

I'm maintaining R code in my company that is use by multiple colleagues. I decided to convert my code into a package to make it simpler to share, maintain and

Global map variable in Leaflet

I'm working in Leaflet, trying to do some zoom methods to remove layers when I zoom out. var map; //function to instantiate the Leaflet map function createMap(

How to detect when Mapbox/Leaflet enters or exits fullscreen mode

How can I detect when Mapbox or Leaflet enters or exits fullscreen mode? I found this answer where someone said this: Documentation says: map.on('fullscreencha

React-Leaflet marker files not found

I've got very simple code to display a map using react-leaflet and place a marker on it. However, i get the following two errors in my browser console GET h

Adjust the size of folium popups

Site_Number Site_Description Region_Site Latitude Longitude S1_AverageSpeed S1_85thSpeed S2_AverageSpeed S2_85thSpeed S3_AverageSpeed S3_85thSpeed String_for_P

Leaflet map 'Error in polygonData.default(data) : Don't know how to get path data from object of class data.frame'

I'm trying to create a leaflet map of census data. I have a csv file contains the number of deaths across Ireland. The data consists of the year($Year), the Sex

React-leaflet map shows scattered blocks of maps

I was trying to show a sample map on my react website. I have installed the leaflet package and also the react-leaflet package then set everything up as the rea

Creating a Leaflet map in code workbook in Foundry

Anyone created a leaflet map in Code Workbook using r-Leaflet? I have a functioning script that runs (also double checked in R) but how do I get it to visualise

Change projection in MSSQL for web mapping (Leaflet,Openlayer, OpenStreetMaps, GoogleAPI, ...) to WSG48 or any other format

I have some WKT/WKB data in the MSSQL server like this and would like to show them on the map with the help of leaflet, Openlayer, OpenStreetMaps, or GoogleAPI.

Logarithmic scale for leaflet legend and color palette

I am plotting GIS data using leaflet in R and I am setting the colour of the plotted points to a value in the data set. The data values span a wide range and i

Next.js dynamic import with server-side-rendering turned off not working on production build

I'm currently building a site using the leaflet package. This package however needs the window object. That's why I'm importing a component made with leaflet as

Can't load Leaflet inside Vue component

I am trying to create a Leaflet map as a Vue component but I am having some difficult getting started. I installed Leaflet through npm Where am I going wrong?

Property 'Draw' does not exist on type 'typeof Control'

I'm attempting to implement a map component with leaflet and other leaflet plugins. The issue is other plugins don't work from TypeScript for some reason. For

pulsating circle in leaflet on click

I have a leaflet map. I'm using circles for markers because I have some zooming built in, and I want the radius of the circles to animate during the zoom. I als

How to use location marking in leaflet package in R

I have added two markers on leaflet map, and I want to link those markers (like travelling from one location to the other). How can I do that? The code that I u

react-leaflet-markercluster is not working

I'am trying to use react-leaflet-markercluster, but after I add <MarkerClusterGroup> to the code, errors are displayed in the console and the page does no

Leaflet Control Search: open Popup for search result

I'm using the wonderful plugin Leaflet.Control.Search in order to search for markers (from a geoJson marker group) on my map – which works great. I only

404 (Not Found) for CSS files

I am running a django app and I want to import a third-party stylesheet from my node_modules. But my django app is looking in the wrong directory and throws a 4

leaflet L.Control Overlay

As a newcomer to javascript and the use of leaflet I'm unsure which subject this should be. Using the Layer Groups and Layers Control example as a model I wish

Leaflet: How to create a group layer that shows all other layers?

I created the following script but it won't show both layers. If i delete the single groups ("commerciele parkeerplaatsen" and "rodents") and only leave the "bo