I am trying to configure tls for my Kubernetes cluster using cert-manager and lets encrypt but seems to be running into a problem that I cannot seem to resolve.
Recently, I tried to setup letsencrypt using microk8s and the default ingress controller on a bare-metal server. I found a few guides online that were very usef
Is there a way to display the certbot account details (e.g. account ID, registered email, etc.) I'm aware I can update the registration (including email) with
I have a RasberryPi 4 running ubuntu/20.04.4 with nginx/1.18.0 Configured the ports forward (80,443) to the RPI4 and previously had it working with some godaddy
I have used Let's Encrypt for WordPress on AWS Lightsail. I found that it was expired because I didn't renew it. So I tried the Let's encrypt to renew, the bi
I generated an SSL certificate on one of my subdomains. I then tried to delete/revoke the certificate using the command certbot delete. A little terminal menu p
I'm trying to secure my nginx-ingress connection with let's encrypt, following this tutorial (https://github.com/digitalocean/Kubernetes-Starter-Kit-Developers/
I am using a Hostinger VPS and Hestia CP. I can create LetsEncrypt SSL from the control panel which successfully applies to https://example.com. It also works p
I'm trying to setup my Traefik Docker with Let's Encrypt SSL: Here is my traefik.toml defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"] [entryPoints] [entryPoints.da
I'm publishing a website made with Python Pyramid on an Ubuntu 18.04 server. The website is running properly on HTTP and now I'm trying to make it run on HTTPS
This is my current htaccess configuration of /frontend/web RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteRule ^.*$ https://%{SERVER_NAME} [R,L] # if a dire
I have a small project that uses Django Channels (websockets) and it works fine locally. I've added SSL to my docker-based deployment with the letsencrypt-compa
I am trying to configure ssl/tls with mongod on ubuntu 20.04 LTS. mongod version is 5.0.5. For generating ssl/tls, I am using ssl/ssl certificates from let's en