Category "libpq"

Where is query pipelining in libpq?

I'm developing a high load server application using C++ and libpq (libpqxx is very unstable). I use async queries in threads to improve performance. But I've di

How to fix Rust diesel cli link libpq.lib error on install

I'm trying (for hours now) to install the cargo crate diesel_cli for postgres. However, every time I run the recommended cargo command: cargo install diesel_cli

libpq SELECT loop and UPDATE within the loop

I have a C++ program that does something like the following: PGresult* res = PQexec(conn, "SELECT id, foo FROM tbl WHERE some_condition"); for (int r = 0; r <

PostgreSQL libpq windows 10 CMake missing PostgreSQL_LIBRARY

I'm rying to setup a CMake project under windows 10 using PostgreSQL. When I try to find_package find_package(PostgreSQL REQUIRED) I get the following error