Category "libreoffice-calc"

Libreoffice calc: function that deletes rows

I am new to Libreoffice Calc. My if/else function populates cells in a new sheet. The function generates a lot of empty rows in the new sheet. Is it possible to

In LibreOffice Calc, how do I change through LibreOffice Basic the value of a cell with an event listener set to it without crashing the program?

I am trying to create two tables which mirror changes made to any of them to one another automatically. To that end, I added event listeners which are triggered

Convert GET parameter to POST request body and extract specific JSON property

Background I am making a spreadsheet that refers to information security license registration provided by the Japanese government ( The

How to change data type and format in libre calc?

Libre office - Version: My Libre office Calc is set to recognize numbers that are this format: “10,12” My problem is that my data is like th