I have defined the MACRO, which will call the function and pass the argument. Getting below MISRA warning for this case. Is it not allowed? How to avoid this?
I'd like to have my C# projects (.NET Core 3.1+) to be linted and formatted on each build both locally and in CI environment. I know that there's new .NET Analy
I am working with C++ code with ROS2. ROS2 has code style standards and one of the recommended linters is ament_cpplint, which is slightly different from cpplin
I am curious about how to find android resources that are missing default values. For example, it is possible to define corner_radius in dimens-sw600dp.xml, wi
module.exports = { root: true, parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser', plugins: ['@typescript-eslint'], extends: [ 'eslint:recommended', 'plugin:@t
I am investigation custom Lint Rules development in my current Android Application. My detector finds all Activities in my project that are not annotated with a
So... I'm not even entirely sure if my hooks are working but this is my current setup. I'm using "husky": "7.0.4" and "lint-staged": "12.1.2". My pre-commit on
I'm new in using Lint and I'm getting a blue underline on my UserModel variables with a message of Don't override fields and Annotate overridden members. I'm ha
I receive the errors in my code from an external API. It gives me the 1)line number 2) error description I could achieve the highlighting process but I need to