Category "lint"

Twig: Unexpected token "name" of value "as" ("end of statement block" expected)

When i run a Twig Lint test localy using CLI on a file, i get no warning. But, my Gitlab pipeline returns a KO for the same file at the Twig-Lint stage: Unexpe

library_private_types_in_public_api and StatefulWidget

After upgrade the linter to the new version (flutter_lints: 2.0.1) in my pubspec the linter enables this rule: library_private_types_in_public_api by default. I

Function-like macro, 'REPORT_ERROR', defined [MISRA 2012 Directive 4.9, advisory]

I have defined the MACRO, which will call the function and pass the argument. Getting below MISRA warning for this case. Is it not allowed? How to avoid this?

Is there a comprehensive C# linter and formatter like eslint for JS/TS?

I'd like to have my C# projects (.NET Core 3.1+) to be linted and formatted on each build both locally and in CI environment. I know that there's new .NET Analy

Why can't I use ament_cpplint with cpplint plugins for various IDEs?

I am working with C++ code with ROS2. ROS2 has code style standards and one of the recommended linters is ament_cpplint, which is slightly different from cpplin

How to check for android resources that are missing default values?

I am curious about how to find android resources that are missing default values. For example, it is possible to define corner_radius in dimens-sw600dp.xml, wi

What "plugins" property in .eslintrc does?

module.exports = { root: true, parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser', plugins: ['@typescript-eslint'], extends: [ 'eslint:recommended', 'plugin:@t

How do you implement LintFix to add missing annotation to class definition in Android

I am investigation custom Lint Rules development in my current Android Application. My detector finds all Activities in my project that are not annotated with a

How to prevent console.log when pushing commits with Husky

So... I'm not even entirely sure if my hooks are working but this is my current setup. I'm using "husky": "7.0.4" and "lint-staged": "12.1.2". My pre-commit on

Lint don't override field in flutter

I'm new in using Lint and I'm getting a blue underline on my UserModel variables with a message of Don't override fields and Annotate overridden members. I'm ha

add custom lint error marker for codemirror

I receive the errors in my code from an external API. It gives me the 1)line number 2) error description I could achieve the highlighting process but I need to