I'm using Firefox and use console.log quite a bit. It just got updated to version 100, might have something to do with it. But now files updates stop appearing
I have a scenario where I need to execute date command and ls -lrth|wc -l command at the same time. I read somewhere on google that I can do it in the way shown
I'm using gcp debian VM, and trying to install the module TA-lib doing this (with the tar already downloaded): $ tar -xzf ta-lib-0.4.0-src.tar.gz $ cd ta-lib/ $
I'm using gdb on Fedora 32 and gdb prints information with highlight color. However the color has less contrast for example dark blue text on black background.
I am trying to debug a script which takes command line arguments as an input. Arguments are text files in the same directory. Script gets file names from sys.ar
Is there a way to get the Linux file descriptor for an opened FileChannel? I need it to call mount.fuse -o fd=... (for implementing FUSE). As a hacky workaround
I'd like to analyze worst case execution time of the programs. For this, there is a tool and expecting trace output of the program(specifically CoreSight - Embe
How can I tell if the terminal running my python script was closed? I want to safely end my python script if the user closes the terminal. I can catch SIGHUP wi
I am trying to forward/clone traffic from my host machine to my docker container using IPtables command. I am able to receive traffic inside my container via ip
Looking for a way to extract the volume from pactl list sink-inputs Output example: Sink Input #67 Driver: protocol-native.c Owner Module: 1
I am working in linux environment as a non root user. I am using users command to get the logged in users users But it returns the user names multiple times
I have many Java versions installed on my laptop. $ sudo update-alternatives --config java [sudo] password for naruto: There are 3 choices for the alternative
I am setting up new EC2 instances, and I want to be able to see hello world, the AZ and the IP address displayed. It only shows the apache start page. I have
According to the CMake documentation https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.3/command/set.html One can do set(ENV{<variable>} <value>) but this gives the
I'm trying to install different software onto my Raspberry Pi with Debian Wheezy OS. When I run try to configure software I'm trying to install I get this outpu
I am setting up new EC2 instances, and I want to be able to see hello world, the AZ and the IP address displayed. It only shows the apache start page. I have
I want to connect qt and a device using UART cable (RS232C) in linux. I´m writing code, making ui and operating, but it does not work. I want to connect
I am having an issue with a program, which uses panda3d. It works perfectly when executed as a pythonscript, but the version, which is compiled (or rather packa
I am currently implementing an elf loader to emulate binaries with the unicorn engine. To avoid implementing my own dynamic linker, I load the ld-linux-x86-64.s
I have built an API in Micronaut and trying to deploy in it GCP Cloud Run as a native graalVM image This is my Dockerfile # Stage 1: Build the JAR FROM gradle:j