Category "promql"

Prometheus Relabeling for Cassandra

I would like to get help with relabeling in prometheus. I am trying to replace instance with nodename, so here in prometheus before relabeling I would like to h

How can I query prometheus data greater than value but include all data in series vector?

I think this image says it all I want to query a series in Prometheus with values greater than .5 but include the lower values in the series so the chart is co

Prometheus metric value compared to "crawl Time" in grafana

I have metric that exports "current time" from the device in UNIX time, now I would like to compare that time with "crawling time", but I seem to have some prob

Prometheus query to alert if something happens x times within a time period?

I'm working on a query that should alert if the disk queue length gets above 2 frequently. Say, if it happens 10 times over a 1d period. I can't seem to get my

PromQL. How to add label value from different metric

If I have two metrics: kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total {..., pod="my_pod_name_42", ...} and container_memory_usage_bytes {..., pod_name="my_pod_nam

Prometheus many-to-many problem for kube cronjobs

Hy there, I'm trying to configure Kubernetes Cronjobs monitoring & alerts with Prometheus. I found this helpful guide But I always get a many-to-many matc

PromQL: how to change null value to an arbitrary value?

I have situation where my metric is set to 0 by a program when everything works fine. I would like to treat null value as an error value (in my case 1). The eas

Why endorser_proposals_recieved (Hyperledger fabric peer-metric) is giving different values at different peers?

We are using Hyperledger fabric 2.2.3 with 3 organizations 2 peers each, a total 6 endorsing peers,3 orderers, and using the Prometheus tool for monitoring. usi

Prometheus query in Grafana with query variable

My Grafana panel query is sum(kube_pod_container_resource_limits_cpu_cores{node=~"$workers"}) / sum(kube_node_status_allocatable_cpu_cores{node=~"$workers"}) T

promQL how to divide node_load by number of cores

I have load. node_load1 node_load1{group="FTP",instance="",job="node"} 0.1 node_load1{group="Prometheus",instance="localhost:9100",job="node"}

Match by exported instance in Grafana and Prometheus

I'm working in Grafana and Prometheus and I have Pushgateway exporting some stats for me. In Grafana, I am trying to display these results per machine. My jobs

Filter prometheus gauge metrics by value range

Prometheus does support binary comparison operators between an instant vector and a scalar. E.g. memory_usage_bytes > 1024. But is it possible to query a gau

How to query specific value of a particular metrics using PROMQL

I have one query while performing operation on an instant vector. For ex: node_value metrics with 10minutes of data node_value{ID="1",instance="",

Is there a way to produce an alert when an IIS site goes down using Prometheus?

I have a few IIS sites I would like to monitor using Prometheus. Specifically monitor and alert on outages. I cannot figure out how to grab a metric when a site

Silence prometheus alerts based on label value / Ignore alerts from label

tl;dr I have a label in prometheus called "ignore" with value "yes": metric_test{label1="label1",ignore="yes"} 1 I want to disable alerts for any metrics with

How to get the 95th percentile of an average in Prometheus?

So I'm aware of some percentile functions in PromQL like histogram_quantile which is used in a case like this: // Over the past 5 minutes, what's the maximum ht