Category "listview"

QML List of Lists (2D data)

Summary: How can I nest one ListView inside another, feeding data from the outer model to an inner model inside the delegate? Data and Desire I have an array

How to make ListView's scroll slower when using smoothScrollToPosition() function?

Scroll of my ListView is very fast when using smoothScrollToPosition(int position) function. I want to customize this and want to make it slower. I tried set an

Add Items to a ListView from a database

I am a Vb nooby and I have trouble to add specific Items to my Listview from a database. I would like to compare the value of a combobox with a column value of

java.lang.IllegalStateException:Make sure the content of your adapter is not modified from a background thread, but only from the UI thread

java.lang.IllegalStateException: The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification. Make sure the content of your adapter is

How to make Listview's Scroll slower?

Scroll of my listview is very fast. I want to customize this and want to make it slower. I tried set android:fastscrollenabled="false" but it does not solve thi

ListView tools:listitem not working in android studio 2.2 stable channel

Steps to Reproduce: Open Layout editor Add a ListItem Specify tools:listitem property with a valid row_layout What should happen: It should use the layout fro

How to scroll Listview Item to a next item on click the next Item Programatically Wpf

I am trying to build a scrollable Calendar. I am getting values from a JSON dynamically from which I am using minimum year and maximum year and so on. Below is

ListView Multiselection

I tried to implement the multiselection on Android ListView. I want to select/deselect more than one item and these items should keep highlighted or not. I don'

Android set single item background color in listview

I need to change color on selected item in list view, i know how to do that in click method, but the thing is that I want to set it then i load new activity. In

Django: Search form in Class Based ListView

I am trying to realize a Class Based ListView which displays a selection of a table set. If the site is requested the first time, the dataset should be displaye

Fill a ListView from Postgres Database in WPF C#

I'm using WPF C# Visual Studio 2012. I have a Listview in my xaml like: <ListView Name="listview" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSp

ListView SelectedItem not highlighted when set in ViewModel

I have a ListView with a ItemSource data binding and a SelectedItem data binding. The ListView is populated with a new ItemSource every time I press the Next o

Binding to a structure

I am trying to bind a listview item to a member of a structure, but I am unable to get it to work. The structure is quite simple: public struct DeviceTypeInfo

Flutter: Get ListView size to create dynamic item sizes

I'm trying to create a ListView in Flutter where the total sum of its items' width is the width of the ListView itself. In other words: I have 24 items, and I

How I Can Refresh ListView in WPF

Hi I am using WPF and adding records one by one to the listview.ItemsSource. My data will appear when all the data is included, but I want to show the data as