How to get the location while app is in background periodically and execute some task supportive with android 12 ?
I want to add an image into my map marker, I don't know why this code is not working. The marker is not displaying in my current location.If I move the marker t
I want to add an image into my map marker, I don't know why this code is not working. The marker is not displaying in my current location. Here is the code. @O
I updated to Xcode 13 last night. Today I find that if I run the simulator for iOS 15 there is no location services settings under privacy, yet on my physical i
I want to when I log in to the app I will get current location user then I will pass it to main activity. private LocationRequest locationRequest; private Fireb
I have a react-native app that uses expo. The location permissions work on android, but not on iOS. On a real iPhone (iOS version 14.4.2), it does nothing. On a
I am using Expo for my React Native Project but Location Services are not working in background.
I am using the plugin CARP_BACKGROUND_LOCATION to set a foreground service in my app and get the location updates, all is fine but when I open the app and after
I built an app in flutter, dart to access the location of the user. I now want to share the current physical location of the user via Whatsapp, email etc but no
I am delevoping an app with gMaps and in my application I am getting location permission from user and after that I am requesting the user to turn his/her gps o
hello friends, i want receive update user location and show in text view only once and remove update location when it received. i must use foreground service f
I’ve been using background_locator to fetch the location of the user in the background even when app is killed. To be honest, it’s the only package
I want use character for the location (like in Google Maps): . I want to ask if there is such a unicode character?
I'm an Android noob and also this is my first post on stackoverflow. I've been trying for some time to find a solution to my problem but couldn't find anything
When using android google maps app share button for a location, it just return a url as intent to other applications like this one: https: // goo. gl / maps/tk
everybody. I am trying to get current user's location in C# UWP application. var geoLocator = new Geolocator(); geoLocator.DesiredAccuracy = PositionAccuracy.
I'm stuck with this problem, If I try to call: Location location = Location(); LocationData data = await location.getLocation(); The future does never return a
I'm having an issue in the debug area. It's saying that: "This app has attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's
A couple of questions regarding Location which I have not found answers to: Location.getLatitude()/getLongitude() return a double. What units is this double exp
I am looking for a way to be able to mock location without needing to use ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION. I know that I need to have root, move app to the system. But whe