I'm trying to convert a predicted RasterFrameLayer in RasterFrames into a GeoTiff file after training a machine learning model. When using the demo data Elkton-
I am fairly new to coding and getting confused between average accuracy and overall accuracy. I have created a function to calculate accuracy, i then divide thi
I want to perform a random search, in classification problem, where the scoring method will be chosen as AUC instead of accuracy score. Have a look at my code f
I need you guys help to find a non linear decision boundary. I have 2 features with numerical data, I made a simple linear decision boundary (see picture below)
Problem statement: I have 150k points in a 3D space with their coordinates stored in a matrix with dimension [150k, 3] in mm. I want to find all the neighbors o
As an example, suppose there is a random forest and a logistic regression model that accept the same input data, and I want the inference result to be the avera
I'm following the book Hands-on Machichine Learning by Aurelien Geron, more specifically, where it begins to go into classifiers. I'm following the code from th
How can I use from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal to generate data? In specific, I want to create a GMM data that contains 3 columns (features) and a la
How to compute similarity(percentage) between two matrix/arrays. or find the closest array/matrix to a given array, on the basis of how similar their data value
I have defined few parameters in my config.yaml like as below. params: epochs: 10 batch_size: 128 num_classes: 10 loss_function: sparse_categorical_cros
I want to calculate shap values from a sklearn pipeline with a preprocessor and a model. When i do it with the code below I get 0 for all shape_values def creat
In scikit-learn, the GaussianMixture object has the method bic(X) that implements the Bayesian Information Criterion to choose the number of components that bet
I'm getting a keyerror 'initialized_diffuse' while calling the following API, probably after joblib.load(). import joblib .......... @routes.route("/forecast",
I built a random forest by RandomForestClassifier and plot the decision trees. What does the parameter "value" (pointed by red arrows) mean? And why the sum of
I want to customise the GRU-RNN cell from tensorflow. But i dont know which function i need to change from standart GRU from tensorflow. i want to modify GRU ce
I want to build a new computer for Data Science purposes. What do you think about this hardware: https://www.ldlc.com/configurateur-pc/23fe088422141bb69274a13ca
Is the GlobalAveragePooling1D Layer the same like calculating the mean with a custom Lambda Layer? The data is temporal, so x has shape (batch, time, features)
Does PyTorch's nn.Embedding support manually setting the embedding weights for only specific values? I know I could set the weights of the entire embedding laye
I'm trying to make a single variable regression using decision tree regression. However when I'm plotting the results. Multiple lines show in the plot just like
I have Keras model: pre-trained CV model + a few added layers on top I would want to be able to do model.predict before model.fit Q: how do I instantiate model