Category "macos"

R plot doesn't shows on Mac but the same plot shows on Windows

Yesterday I bought a Mac (M1 processor) and today I installed R and R Studio. I tried to plot the same code in a Windows machine and my Mac, but the plot only s

How to properly install pyodbc and drivers on M1 mac

I have a new M1 pro macbook and I'm trying to install pyodbc and relevant drivers on my machine. So far I have installed unixodbc via homebrew and ODBC drivers

Develop C# on Mac OS X Lion [closed]

Faced with the problem of programming on the Mac on the old version of the operating system Lion 10.7.5 in C#. Can anyone recommend an IDE tha

Docker kafka on MacOS M1 Issues stuck on configuring

I use macOS M1 Big Sur 11.2.3, but my kafka cannot running well and cannot create/list the topics. I don't know its because the OS or not, but the log for kafka

How to get the installer path/name from the MAC UI installer(.pkg) start page

We are trying to fetch installer path/name from the MAC UI installer before displaying the Custom nib file. Below are the options tried: hdiutil info -plist Get

M1 mac cannot run jboss/keycloak docker image

Switched to m1 mac a week ago and I cannot get my application up and running with docker because of the jboss/keycloak image not working as expected. Getting th

How to debug accessibility events that VoiceOver on macOS receives?

I'm working on getting VoiceOver to read out text updates in an unfocused widget - as part of this, I'd like to be able to see all of the events that the macOS

In a MacOS NSView, how to crop (circle crop) an MTKRenderView or MTKView?

This question is about NSView, not UIView. Thus, this question is about MacOS, not iOS. (It is trivial to crop anything in iOS. This question is about MacOS - N

Valet is not working with php.8 Nginx return Bad Gateway

Hi I have try to update php to 8.0 but always there a problem with valet to read the new version and I try to solve it without specific instructions but this ti

Setting up Flutter in terminal yields a command not found message

I'm trying to setup Flutter on my Mac but when I use the terminal to check the version I keep getting the message "zsh: command not found: flutter" The steps th

Wrong geometry drag coordinates

I'm trying to drag the gray square inside the white square manteinig the starting point CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0) and respecting the extreme coordinates, see of the i

macOS llvm can't find stdio.h anymore

I come to you with a weird problem I've been facing. So last week, I installed llvm and libomp for a C project, and it compiled just fine with this at the start

OpenJFX on Apple M1 chip

Graphics Device initialization failed for : es2, sw Error initializing QuantumRenderer: no suitable pipeline found java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Runtim

Mac Catalyst net maui KeyChain

I'm trying to access the keychain to get the installed certificates, but it always returns null. I installed the pfx certificate on my macOS, but in the code ou

Unable to Update XCode: Not enough space [duplicate]

I am trying to update XCode from 11.2.1 to 12.4. I installed XCode from the app-store, so I am trying to update it from there itself. I have 2

Docker Image built on Mac OSX won't run on AWS EC2 instance

Image built on Mac OSX with M1 processor, deployed to an EC2 instance. But when scripts are run it yields the error: standard_init_linux.go:219: exec user proce

Configuring compilers on Mac M1 (Big Sur, Monterey) for Rcpp and other tools

I'm trying to use packages that require Rcpp in R on my M1 Mac, which I was never able to get up and running after purchasing this computer. I updated it to Mon

Set multiple PATH Variables in MacOS Big Sur (zsh)

I want to add multiple Path Variables: Dart & Pub (Doesn't work) sdkman (works) homebrew and its installations (Doesn't work) Deno (Doesn't work) Cargo &

SwiftUI picker on macOS

I try for my personal knowledge to learn SwiftUI. Then I test on my Mac, but my first feeling is that SwiftUI is much more iOS oriented than macOS. Am I right ?

Kernel panic MacBook Pro Mid 2014

I have MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014) with BigSur 11.6.2 Everyday when I boot my laptop at first time it stay in black screen then my laptop reboot and