Trying to upload the last 3 files in a directory. I figured I can set the last 3 files and make them as an alias but I'm not sure how to do that.. Originally Wi
Hi I am totally new to WinSCP and Batch. I have figured out a script to transfer a folder from an SFTP site to my computer but would like to only grab the late
I have file with name %253csvg%2fonload=alert(1)%253e.jpg-131x94 I am trying to sync the files to remote server using WinSCP .NET assembly Session.SynchronizeD
I need to write a PowerShell script that reads some data and writes it to a file on a remote SFTP location. I'd rather not generate a local file first before i
I use WinSCP script to download a file from an SFTP site. The file has length of trailing space after the file name. After it is downloaded to local computer %
I need to download files from SFTP server to a local machine using a PowerShell script. The API/library that will be used for the download needs to be able to
I transferred the files from my local computer to the remote directory using WinSCP, but I'm curious if I can restart/reboot the server using the same applicati