Category "makefile"

GMP works when compiling with makefile but not with cmake

I am trying to include <gmp.h> in my project. A very simple Makefile compiles it successfully: CC=gcc -std=c11 -w LIBR=-lm -lgmp FLAGS=-O0 all: test tes

Makefile error trying to use a template to compile multiple programs with similar steps

I am trying to create a makefile that can compile multiple programs. It has a list of programs and will compile each one separately. Every program has pretty mu


While generating a new library we can specify dependencies in .For Example there are header dependencies which can be specified in LOCAL_C_INCLUDES,

Installation of taichi legacy branch on ubuntu 20.04

I am willing to work with code spgrid_topo_opt which needs taichi legacy to be installed first. To install taichi legacy following the instruction on the page I

llvm/Support/TargetRegistry.h: No such file or directory

I have this error when I make project in WSL(Ubuntu 20.04). And I have installed LLVM and Clang.Hou should I do? Kconfig Makefile build configs i

@echo in Makefile always causes error " *** missing separator. Stop."

I put @echo "============= $(TOOLPREFIX) =================" in line 34 of Makefile of xv6 used by many OS courses, in hope of printing out the value of variabl

Makefiles: What is an order-only prerequisite?

The GNU make manual introduces order-only prerequisites: target: prerequisite1 prerequisite2 | orderonlyprerequisite1 orderonlyprerequisite2 However, while tha

how to find the dependencies of a source code?

Let say I have a simple c-library project, the layout is as follows - src/ - square_root.c - log.c - power.c - newton_method.c - include

modify ld library search path on cluster (no root access)

I am compiling gcc 8.5 from source on a linux cluster in my home directory (no root access). I have exported -L/MYHOME/lib/' to CFLAGS, LDFLAGS, LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Arquivo make file para entrar em pastas [closed]

I have a MakeFile file in the following way: conf: cd teste nano teste However, when i execute make conf, he does not enter in the di

How to fix error 'make g : command not found'?

I got following error. make g device/ -v My_Kernel.aocx make: g: Command not found Makefile:158: recipe for target 'My_Kernel.aocx' failed make: [M

Generate admin Sonata with command line in Symfony 4

I'm starting to use Sonata with Symfony 4. I try to generate an admin with the command line "make:sonata:admin" and i've an error at the end of the process like

How do I get Wireguard-Android make file to function on Windows?

I'm trying to build the wireguard-android sources on my windows machine, fixing the problems step by step with trial and error. I have CMake and Make installe

Installing Mesos on ubuntu 20.04 causing makefile issue

I was trying to install mesos latest version(1.9.0) on the ubuntu 20.04 using Dockefile. FROM ubuntu:20.04 ENV MESOS_VERSION 1.9.0 ENV MESOS_ARTIFACT_FILENAME

CMake & MinGW Compilation on Windows, without needing the -G "MinGW Makefiles" flag

I want to build my C++ applications from the Windows PowerShell command line using CMake and MinGW. When I do this in the "normal way," with these commands: m

Makefile - issues including directory

I've been working on a Makefile but having two issues. The application directory contains autotools files for a Yocto build but for development I'd like to do b

How to build multiple linux kernel module with multiple source files in a single Makefile?

I am trying to build a set of Linux kernel modules with multiple source files: obj-m += mst_pciconf.o mst_pci.o mst-objs += nnt_device.o nnt_dma.o nnt_pci_conf_

Is it possible to execute all make commands that match a pattern?

Suppose I define several make PHONY commands: auto-build-foo auto-build-bar auto-build-biz ... auto-build-inf And I can observe them all with the following key

Mozilla Synstorage-rs installation / make fails under RHEL8

I'm currently trying to install mozilla synstorage-RS on a RockyLinux machine, and step by step I could reduce the amount of errors, but now I got stuck. I foun

Can't use command make for makefile on Visual Studio Code

Backround I have been coding (mostly C) on Linux so far but i want to be able to code on Windows as well. So i searched for a better editor than notepad and fou