Category "marshalling"

C# how to get an array of int* from unmanaged C++

On the unmanaged side I have short* m_pLevels[4], I need to get this array of pointers to the C# side so I can then use each point to copy from the unmanaged si

Python Flask_restplus flash_restx dynamic marshalling response

Is it possible to dynamicaly modify the marshalled response model (ie : change fields list, add mask, ...) ? ex : from flask_restplus import Resource, fields m

Is there a way to Marshal a byte[] into a string without copying in C#?

I am in the process of building a sub-part of a native application, namely a Unity application that runs as a child of a different application written in a comp

Marshaling complex C structs with c unions for C#

i am desperate to get a complex c datatype correctly marshaled for C#. I already read all the other posts regarding that topic and i am running out of ideas alt

Unmarshal to a interface type

I have some code I've been dumped with and am actually stumped - I've worked with RPC and the JSON side of things before but I can't seem to get it to work over

Marshal into a bson.Raw

Using, I wonder how to marshal an interface{} value into a value of type bson.Raw. The documentation for bson.Raw states: Using this t

Marshalling java.util.Date with SprayJson

I am new to Scala and Akka. I have the following case class: case class Demo(userId: String, date: java.util.Date, message: String) extends BusinessModel