Category "matplotlib"

Matplotlib mpl_connect not working when placed in subroutine called by Jupyter notebook

I'm working with the Draggable Rectangles example provided in the interactive matplotlib example online:

Matplotlib and datetime error date2num function AttributeError

I'm trying to plot a graph with a list of datetime objects as one axis. I searched online and it seems I should call the date2num function. However, when I call

matplotlib set shared axis [duplicate]

Using matplotlib, it seems the only time to set the sharex or sharey axis parameters are during sub_plot creation (add_subplot(), subplot(), s

Max Value displayed on matplotlib plot following navigation

I'm trying to return the maximum data value shown on a plot flowing navigation (e.g. pan or zoom). Currently ax.get_ylim(), returns the max value of the y axi

Legend transparency, when using secondary axis

The legend of the plot of a secondary axis somehow is transparent to the plot of the other axis. A minimal example to reproduce the problem: import matplotlib.

Matplotlib Animation of Streamplot of Bifurcation

I am currently trying to animate the dynamics of a typical saddle node bifurcation ode: dx/dt = r + x^2. Snapshots at specific values of r are realised with the

Why does this loop in python runs progressively slower?

In this code, there is a 4-D array of 13x13 images. I would like to save each 13x13 image using matplotlib.pyplot. Here for debugging purposes, I limit the oute

AttributeError: module 'matplotlib.cbook' has no attribute 'iterable'

When I run this code: import networkx as nx G = nx.complete_graph(5) nx.draw_networkx(G) I got this error: AttributeError: module 'matplotlib.cbook' has no a

How to synchronize to curves on matplotlib?

I have two curves that have their maximum roughly at the same time, but I'd like to match them exactly. The first function, maxind, determines where the maximum

Draggable lines select one another in Matplotlib

I'm trying to create a class of draggable lines using matplotlib handling and picking. The aim is to set different thresholds and intervals on a graph. Here is

Cartopy can't download shapefiles because a certificate is not trusted

I need to use cartopy to plot a thing. Running the example from their website import as ccrs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.axes(projecti

Pyplot Imshow Autozoom to cut out Irregular NaN padding

I have the following code import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np array = np.pad(np.random.rand(300,300),10,'constant', constant_values = nan) fi

How to change the datetime tick label frequency for matplotlib plots

Below shows a plot of simulated data, which contains the xticks that I want to modify. By default, the pd.df.plot chooses dates that are approximately 3 months

Tkinter and matplotlib: Bind to FigureCanvasTkAgg to extract curser position in figure?

I want to plot a 2d array using matplotlib, and then extract the curser position when I click on the plotted image. Here's a minimal working example of how I wo

Having a colorbar for a bar plot in python

Hi I don't know if this is possible, but I have made a bar plot in python where the color is a hex value. If I have the value that a hex code corresponds to, i

Having a colorbar for a bar plot in python

Hi I don't know if this is possible, but I have made a bar plot in python where the color is a hex value. If I have the value that a hex code corresponds to, i

matplotlib: 2 different legends on same graph

I have a plot where different colors are used for different parameters, and where different line styles are used for different algorithms. The goal is to compar

Centering matplotlib legend entries within incomplete/unfilled rows?

Say I'm making a plot with five items, and only have room to create a legend with 3 columns (more columns than this would be too wide), e.g. import matplotlib.p

How to force color mapping to a dynamic range larger than the particular input to imshow in matplotlib

Suppose I want to make 2+ heatmaps (on the same, or different Figures) and have the color<->value mapping be the same among them. By default, the extre

Is there a way to plot multiple horizontal lines using hlines() function in a single plot of matplotlib?

I have an pm2_5 dataframe data which I've plotted using a matplotlib scatterplot. I want to insert multiple horizontal lines at different y-values, I'm doing it