Category "maven"

Unable to import JDA into Maven - IntelliJ IDEA

I need to import JDA dependency into my Maven (Java) project, yet IDEA doesn't seem to be able to import it for some reason. I did as following: inside the pom.

Why is `mule:deploy` also downloading dependencies, can it be stopped and only deploy?

We are using Azure CI/CD and we are deploying to CloudHub and/or On-Premise using the maven plugin. But each deploy also downloads some dependencies, which take

What is package information in Jfrog artifactory and how to populate it?

I use Jfrog Artifactory Community Edition, I deployed a jar artifact of my project into our Artifactory server via Eclipse maven tools (mvn clean deploy) and he

how to fix java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:;)

everyone. I was trying to execute " mvn clean test " to verify a simple maven project which was generated by "mvn archetype:generate".I just to want learning ho

Update war name based on activated maven profile

In my pom, I have two profiles. test1 test2 Now I want my war name to change based on the activated profile. Expected Result When test1 profile is activate

How do you import com.mojang.authlib [Maven]

I am making a plugin with custom skin textures and I need to use GameProfile which is Mojang authlib. I put it in my pom.xml but it says it cannot find the depe

Access Remote Maven Artifactory from Bitbucket Pipelines

I'm trying to set Bitbucket pipelines to run Maven verify command. What I currently struggle with is how to access dependencies that are defined in my POM. I ha

FailSafe plugin is not running feature files in parallel

I have included failsafe plugin with parallel methods and threadcount 4. And framework is cucumber with junit. I'm trying to run features in parallel with fails

Maven test fail on terminal but passes in IntelliJ

My Spring Boot application uses TestNG and it has the surefire plugin. I am attempting to package it on the terminal but it keeps failing on the maven test step

How to upload Maven packages and build info to Artifactory from Jenkins

I'm a little confused about how this should work. I have a Jfrog Maven repo. In my Jenkins pipeline I'm just using mvn deploy to deploy to it. But I want to get

Maven- Getting dependencies from pom file

I need to get all the dependencies of a project, so to my knowledge, everything under <dependencies> ... <dependencies> and <exclusions> ... &

AWS CodeArtifact token update

I created AWS CodeArtifact repository, obtained token with aws codeartifact get-authorization-token command, and set it correctly to .m2/settings.xml (my projec

maven-shade-plugin doesn't replace the original jar

It is weird that my maven-shade-plugin doesn't replace the original jar with the shaded jar. Does anyone know what could be the reason? Here's my plugin in pom.

force maven to use different java version

I have my existing project that uses Java 1.8 My JAVA_HOME is set to Java 1.8 As a result maven is using Java 1.8 , which is fine Now our project has decided to

No main manifest attribute, in executable jar

while running my jar I receive the below error No main manifest attribute, in jar I have followed some of the solutions provided here but it did not solv

What is the difference between maven compiler plugin and maven toolchains plugin?

I had to integrate some legacy code into my maven build, so I used the maven-recommended toolchains plugin to change the java version: <plugin> <gr

maven jacoco plugin reports always show 0% of coverage

JaCoCo reports always shows 0% of coverage but Intellij integrated report is ok. I already see others StackOverflow questions but none helped. Below is my jacoc

Plugin 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:' not found

I'm facing an error in my pom.xml file given below: Plugin 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:' not found Below is my pom.xml : <?xml versi

How to resolve class file for not found

I am Trying to upload JSON data to gcs. As I did not use google cloud previously I started with uploading random String to gcs but I got stuck at the beginning

Cannot resolve class com.github.mikephil.charting.charts.BarChart, MPAndroidChart

What's going on? Got all guide but I have this error. Class referenced in the layout file, com.github.mikephil.charting.charts.BarChart, was not found in the pr