Category "mdxjs"

Using Remark and Rehype plugins with MDX in Next.js (with @next/mdx)

I was trying to use Github Flavored Markdown using @next/mdx but I can't seem to figure out how to use plugins with the code. Here is what I did: (I am followi

Markdown is not being displayed correctly due to CSSReset - Chakra-ui

I'm making a NextJs Blog, and I have to render my markdown in a dynamic page. CSSReset is being used in my app, and as a consequence, markdown is not being disp

React not rendering an mdxjs file

I am trying to create an addon for storybook that adds a tab to the top of the page, I have it working except that I cannot get it to render an MDX file in the

How to create multiple node types with mdx in Gatsby?

I am trying to create multiple content types in Gatsby using mdx (instead of remark). I am having trouble sifting through old methods of handling remark and new