I am trying to find out what is the candy machine id or address for a specific nft. So far I have tried looping through wallet accounts using @solana/web3.js co
Am I correct in saying that it's not possible to mint(create) an spl token and token metadata in the one transaction ? Here is me cerating the mpl token metadat
I'd like to change my Candy Machine from having hidden settings to no longer be hidden. Initially, the Candy Machine is created with hidden settings like these:
I am trying to use @metaplex/js to do some NFT minting. Usually my .js files work properly but when I run the file this error comes up. bigint: Failed to load b
while am uploading Nft asset to Solana network and have this error : Beginning the upload for 22 (img+json) pairs started at: 1646166389888 initializing candy
I am developing a react app and I have code from 2 different applications I wrote Application A uses metaplex to find all the NFT's owned by a user (wallet addr
desktop % ts-node ./metaplex/js/packages/cli/src/candy-machine-v2-cli.ts generate_art_configuration traits /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ts-node/src/index.ts:820
I need to know which instuctions list is used for a transaction in order to use it in my application. For example: There is an unknown NFT marketplace, I can bu
I need to know which instuctions list is used for a transaction in order to use it in my application. For example: There is an unknown NFT marketplace, I can bu
After creating an NFT via candy machine v2 I'm trying to execute a sign command (link to the docs) This is the command from the documentation: ts-node ~/metaple
I am following a tutorial and am on the step where we are uplaoding the metadata and files. The tutorial tells me to use the the following command: npx ts-node