Category "microsoft-dynamics"

Migrate data from Dynamics CRM 4.0 to 365

I have a client with an old CRM, Dynamics 4.0 on-premise and I want to migrate data from his CRM to a new instance Dynamics 365. Is there any way to migrate his

Call COM Add-In Function in VBA

I want to call the "Refresh" function of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Excel Add-in which has a button on the ribbon using VBA. I tried recording a macro when clic

Dynamics Omnichannel different distribution method

Can we have a different work distribution method (push - pick) for different queues in the same workstream? For example, I would like in the Facebook workstream

PCF Not firing updateview without Resize Browser

Created a PCF control, working fine in harnes tool. After integrating to D365 , updateview()not being called. Once I click the developertool then it is working.

Flow: Dynamics 365 and Azure SQL Server

I have a database in Azure and I would like to bring over all the data from there into Dynamics 365. I have listed the following scenarios. I want to know if th

ADF copy activity - ignore the new columns in source without throwing an error

I have a pipeline that copies data from source (dynamics) to SQL server datawarehouse. There is a ForEach activity which iterates over the list of all the table

Dynamics NAV SQL Lead Time format conversion

I have a small issue getting data, one field in particular, from table replicated from Microsoft Dynamics NAV. There is a field storing lead time in strange fo