Category "microsoft-graph-api"

Write data frame to Excel file stored in Microsoft Teams using Graph API

I am new to working with APIs and especially MS Graph API so please excuse my ignorance. I work with data in R which is similar to Python, I have a data frame w

Is there an api endpoint to list files in private chat?

I am looking for a way to get the number of files in a private chat using the Microsoft Graph API. Currently I can get the messages from private chat using: bet

Paging support in graph SDK

Does Microsoft Graph Java SDK provide paging support for groups and users? As Microsoft Grpah API supports paging


I use GraphServiceClient When I try to call: var currentUser = await _graphServiceClient.Me.Request().GetAsync(); It works. BUT when I try to call: var inbox =

Is there a way to search for federated Teams users in Microsoft graph?

In the Teams client, you can search for any open federated users using the top search box. It'll give an option to search externally, which will return a feder

How can i get all Sharepoint folders using Graph API?

Currently I am creating a site in Sharepoint and associating it with Teams and then when i access the Sharepoint folders I call.

What happens to GraphServiceClient when access token expires?

This is the code. I get an access token and with that access token I create a client. What happens if access token expires? Do I need to create another client?.

Traversing through IGraphServiceCollectionPage

I have made a List of graph service collection page but I need to put if loop to see if email exits in the list. Can someone help me t traverse. This is the cod

Microsoft Graph Api User.Read.All Not granted for my domain

I am getting the following error or status Not granted for my domain. see the attached document Is this because my role is User? I tried to find who is Azure A

File Upload to Channel via Microsoft Teams Graph Api

I have been trying to do a file upload to a channel using the graph Api. I can successful do an upload to my personal OneDrive, using the request https://graph.

Microsoft OAuth parsing state parameter as string, but return a hash

I'm using the Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow to authorize user information from Microsoft Azure. In my Ruby code I parse the

How can I retrieve the url for an Outlook Calendar?

Is there any way of accessing a calendar in MS Outlook via a hardcoded url? Suppose I have 3 calendars (A, B, C), can I via a url access only A? Any way of doin

Online Meetings GET calls do not contain all data anymore

We have been using the graph API /onlineMeetings get calls to retrieve the meeting data successfully for the past few months. Unfortunately, since about two day

Online Meetings GET calls do not contain all data anymore

We have been using the graph API /onlineMeetings get calls to retrieve the meeting data successfully for the past few months. Unfortunately, since about two day

Azure active directory assign roles to users within groups

I am making an application where users can join multiple azure groups. This works fine. But a user should be able to have a role only within that specific group

MSAL.NET OBO refresh token problems

I am trying to implement an OBO flow through to the graph API on a middle-tier API (.NET 5.0) using MSAL.NET. I'm running into two frustrating problems, and I c

Everytime I change my Microsoft Teams Tab's code the content of the tab does not change

I am making a teams channel tab and everytime I update the code, the content loaded in the tab stays the same. I tried deleting the app and installing it again,

How to get all guest users count in M365 groups with Microsoft graph api

I tried to get all guest users count in all M365 groups in single Microsoft graph api call I have written below query for that.

No Sufficient Data Content of User When Calling Microsoft.Graph Compared to Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient

I want to change my code from Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.GraphClient to Microsoft.Graph on the same registered App. On some data structure(e.g. Group, Comp

Cannot get installed apps for user | Microsoft Graph API

My application should retrieve all installed apps for every user in the AAD. According to this docs the application permissions are: TeamsAppInstallation.ReadFo