Category "microsoft-teams"

How to keep Microsoft teams status active?

In Microsoft Teams, the status changes to "away" after a while being inactive. Is there any way in Python to keep it active all the time?

Explanation for error "Incoming request was redirected to the wrong geo! Current geo: EUDB, Target geo: EMEA" in Bot Framework Teams Bots?

Starting May 13th, 2022 around 3 PM UTC, we are seeing several of our previously functional Teams bots built on the bot framework failing to send messages to us

MS Teams Error message: Failed to retrieve flag from thread properties. Conversation not found

I am developing azure bot using python sdk v4. From yesterday, this bot is giving below error when i opened personal teams chat with bot on browser 2022-04-12T1

MS Teams Error message: Failed to retrieve flag from thread properties. Conversation not found

I am developing azure bot using python sdk v4. From yesterday, this bot is giving below error when i opened personal teams chat with bot on browser 2022-04-12T1

Microsoft Teams DDI. I can call to outside numbers, But unable to receive calls

I have set up DDI numbers for my organization to receive inbound and outbound calls through MS Teams using a telephone number. I bought this from a telecom prov

Teams UI Toolkit - Toolbar, Gauge and Map not found in @fluentui/react-teams

I'm developing a dashboard that will be embed in a Microsoft Teams Tab. Microsoft provides an UI toolkit: package and figma templates (source article). However,

Microsoft Graph API Activity Feeds Notification does not push to mobile app

I'm POST-ing to MS Teams Activity Feed Notifications via the Microsoft Graph API. However, the notifications are only being pushed through to the desktop and br

How to get Compliance Certification for Team recording bot

We are making our own bot to record team meeting, but after adding compliance policy, I am geeting this error("API call not allowed for non-Compliance Recording

Send an alert notification from InfluxDb to Microsoft Teams

I am running an influxDb, on my server, and I created below: Notification Check Notification Endpoint (HTTP POST) Notification Rule All above are running succe

Achieve pop-up when somebody calls me on the MS Teams Browser App

I've dug through all notification options like "site-settings" etc. in my Google Chrome browser on Windows 10. (yes, I intentionally employ the Browser App here

Scroll Chat Window in Microsoft Teams

I am trying to make an application that would allow me to copy a chat(archive) from "Microsoft Teams". I used SPY++ to get window handles and then I used WIN32

MS Teams activity feed notifications don't arrive to mobile

I've successfully implemented activity feed notifications in my app (tab) for MS Teams. The problem is, I don't receive them on mobile devices: neither push not

Is it possible to remove/hide response while using submit action in MS teams bot

I'm having MS Teams bot developed using bot framework. I have a dialog where the user choose date from date picker. For this I'm using following Adaptive card.

Teams API: Setting presence only with user consent

Recently the Teams API has been extended so that applications can set the availability / presence for a user logged into Teams:

Sharing a window in Teams with a custom WindowChrome flashes the original window chrome

I have a WPF desktop application with a window with a custom chrome. As soon as I set the WindowChrome style-property of the window, I have an issue when sharin

Microsoft Teams Bot Adaptive card not rendering in mobile app (android)

Microsoft Teams Bot - Adaptive card not displaying in android mobile app, it works fine in desktop app, json as below, also other card for list of records works

Adaptive Card text overflow in Microsoft Teams Android app

I have the following JSON code for my adaptive card: { "type": "AdaptiveCard", "$schema": "", "version":

Enable/Disable Conversational bot in MS Teams

How to enable and disable the conversational bot in MS Teams? In our application, we have to enable the conversation bot in bot chat window: I tried "isNotifi

MS Teams, Adaptive Card, Copy-Paste functionality

MS Teams application ... I send Adaptive Card to the client and Bot handles card actions. How can I add/implement copy-paste functionality? Client will copy the

Is there any way to align the table contents in the same line in the teams bot framework?

The below image shows how the current table is displayed on teams. We can see that the cells are not aligned properly. Using adaptive card (columnset). The imag