Category "mongodb"

com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException: Exception opening socket with spring boot and mongodb cloud

Please suggest any solution for the below exception which is occuring while running my rest api while executing springboot application with mongodb cloud db. I

Does the return value of a MongoDB Atlas trigger function have meaning?

In MongoDB Atlas, you can create triggers. These allow javascript functions, with access to the Mongo database, to respond to events. (See the docs at https://w

MongoNotConnectedError: MongoClient must be connected to perform this operation. How to handle this error?

cmd How can i solve this. Just showing MongoClient must be connected to perform this operation at getTopology ..... at collection.insertOne .... at maybePro

Error while 'composer require jenssegers/mongodb' adding MongoDB to new Laravel 7 Project

After fresh installation of laravel 7 project, C:\xampp\htdocs\blog>composer require jenssegers/mongodb --ignore-platform-reqs But this is giving an error

Why the data resets after save in database?

I'm trying to save new phone number in database First by another method get phone number and temporary save it and send a code to user then by following methods

How to map with the help of Automapper (TypeScript) the entries of an array filled with different DTOs?

I'm using the TypeScript library "Automapper" in my NestJS backend to convert an answer of MongoDb/Mongoose to an DTO. That's how the answer looks like: { "

I can't call PATCH method using Pug, Mongoose and Express.js

I am new to code and I apologize in advance for all my noob mistakes. I'm trying to set a new color to an existing object stored in MongoDB using the PATCH meth

How to query mongoDB with mongoose without having a model

so i want to query my mongo DB without using a model, let me preface this by saying, i am looking for options other than using the mongodb driver. so in one app

MongooseError: Operation 'featureds.find()` buffering timed out after 10000ms

I have a collection on MongoDB from which I'm trying to query all the elements using find(): const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const Featured = mongoose.mod

Pandas dataframe to mongoDB document

I have a pandas dataframe that I import to a MongoDB database. Each row of the dataframe is transformed into a document like bellow. { title: 'Spaci

Test Suite Failed to run

Error thrown: "Exceeded timeout of 5000 ms for a hook. Use jest.setTimeout(newTimeout) to increase the timeout value, if this is a long-running test." 24 | &

Unwind object array but preserve its parent

I want to unwind some data, but preserve the parent. I am getting the whole flattened objects, but missing the first one. I want to keep that one. How can I do

post api pblm in backend

const newItem = { name, price, img, detail, email } fetch("http://localhost:5000/add", { method: "POST", header: { "content

Exception in monitor thread while connecting to server <xyz> using mongo-driver-core-4.1.2 jar

I have upgraded mongo java driver <mongodb.version>3.12.8</mongodb.version> to mongodb-driver-legacy 4.1.2. since then when ever i am trying to up

Small images (<4MB) in MongoDB, should I use gridFS?

Rather simple question and request here, but haven't been able to find a firm answer yet. I am new to multer, Node, and MongoDB and it's been a bigger struggle

Any idea why I would get "name 'sys' is not defined" after creating a new MongoClient object in Python?

I'm working on a Discord bot that saves some data to a mongodb database in response to some user commands. The weird thing is it works on, but I get thi

PyMongo Atlas Search not returning anything

I'm trying to do a full text search using Atlas for MongoDB. I'm doing this through the PyMongo driver in Python. I'm using the aggregate pipeline, and doing a

JSON Render Issue in Date Object Laravel and PHP 7.4

I am facing a stranger issue in php 7.4 inside Laravel. When I am trying to log the results using dd() function for any collection its gives me that my date fie

How to solve auto sample data storing in data collection in mongodb database?

After creating a data collection in a particular database some sample data collection is added automatically daily in that database. After deleting those sample

Why doesn't load data into my collection? mongodb

This is what appears on my mongo database: This is my to insert the data, when I Submit it console.log the object with the dates but with create It ju