Category "moodle"

Version 5.7 is required and you are running in bluehost

I installed moodle 4.0 in bluehost recently. When I wanted to install any plugin it giving an error Version 5.7 is required and you are running It

MOODLE: What does it mean to aggregate h5p assets?

I'm having an issue where my H5P assets are not loading in my 3.11.2 Moodle site. Unable to find constructor for: H5P.CoursePresentation A forum post on the H5P

Can i incorporate CSS directly in a mustache file?

Can I can incorporate CSS such as using the " in a mustache file for a Moodle plugin? I am new to plugin and I'm still learning, any feedback is welcome.

Sending data from LMS Moodle (php) to python CGI script and get it back

I installed Learning Managment System (LMS) 'Moodle' to XAMPP local server. And there is instrument for file downloading, called "filepicker". I want to pass te

MySql syntax error during user creation when there is no apparent error

I'm trying to install Moodle using Ubuntu using the following guide: Step-by-step Installation Guide for Ubuntu I'm currently on step 6 where I have to create

How to implement placeholder in a php file for moodle plugin?

Hello im new to moodle plugin development and I need to make the "Enter course schedule here..." in the third line disappear when I enter text. If im not mistak

Fatal error: $CFG->dataroot is not writable, admin has to fix directory permissions! Exiting

unset($CFG); global $CFG; $CFG = new stdClass(); $CFG->dbtype = 'sqlsrv'; $CFG->dblibrary = 'native'; $CFG->dbhost = 'my remote db ip address'; $

Stuck at System screen when installing Moodle v3.8

I've installed Moodle v3.8 on Docker (php7.2-apache), but it's stucked at "System" screen when installing -error is attached Stuck screen photo here Plz help me

How to download files in a moodle course using R?

There is a moodle course with files that I wish to download automatically. I see that there is a python solution for doing so, but I couldn't find an R solution

In Moodle Certificate not displaying course completion date

I am using Moodle and having problem with the plugin certificate builder I had created my template correctly, but now that learner are starting to complete the