Category "mouse"

Python mouse and keyboard recorder that switch lines in Excel

I have a Excel file containing data for simulations. Each row is a simulation and contains data that i want to copy and paste into another software at a specifi

Is there a way to get the mouse position within the terminal?

I am currently coding a node.js program relating to mouse coordinates. Is there a way to see the mouse position in the terminal in Node.JS? I've tried the ways

Set Windows mouse cursor size Win 10 GPO

I'm trying to set the mouse cursor size at logon and keep users from changing it. I have tried using a GPO with these settings. USER CONFIG > ADMIN TEMPLATE

Python - Multiple Clicks at different location on screen at the same time

I have this idea but I don't even know where to start haha Basically, Lets say I want to click these 2 locations (50, 100) and (1000, 500) I could just click

ERROR: ssl certificate doesn't exist: /home/rsvay/snap/barrier-kvm/2/.local/share/barrier/SSL/Barrier.pem

I am a frequent user of Barrier-kvm. I recently upgraded my server to Ubuntu 20.04 and started getting error "ERROR: ssl certificate doesn't exist: /home/rsvay

Can i track my mouse pos outside a SDL window?

I build a clock with SDL, its a window without border. Now i still wanna be able to move my clock around my screen so i wrote a function to move it. Basicly it

Actions Selenium Java mouse action drag and drop not working when cursor type changes after clickandhold

Actions Selenium Java mouse action drag and drop not working when cursor type changes after clickandhold Use case: Mouse cursor type: Pointer Move to source ele

How to use PyAutoGUI to detect RGB values

I'm trying to build a small bot that clicks only certain colours. I believe pyautogui.displayMousePosition() should display the position of my mouse as well as

Set mouse wheel to horizontal scroll using css

I want to design a horizontal page. When I use mouse wheel it just scrolls content vertically. How can I use horizontal scroll by mouse wheel? Does CSS support

Right mouse button in Android

Since API 14, right mouse clicks should have been easy to detect via getButtonState(). However, when I right-click, then it acts as the Back button. The middle

X11: Detect general Mouse and Keyboard events

Is there a way to detect if the mouse has been moved ANYWHERE on the X Server or a keyboard event occured? I need to react on the user doing anything with the X

Setting mouse position?

Well I'm working on a small program and I'm trying to set the position of the window's mouse to it's center every time it moves. Thing is I have no idea how to