Category "mp4"

Using ffmpeg, jpg to mp4 to mpegts, play with HLS M3U8, only first TS file plays - why?

Before posting I have searched and found similar questions on stackoverflow (I list some below) - none have helped me towards a solution, hence this post. The d

Problem decoding h264 over RTP TCP stream

I'm trying to receive RTP stream encoding h264 over TCP from my intercom Hikvision DS-KH8350-WTE1. By reverse engineering I was able to replicate how Hikvision

Ffmpeg alpha channel video generation

I am trying to remove a background from a video using ffmpeg and a PY library that does that, the PY lib (backgroundremover) just creates a matte.mp4 file as an

FFmpeg pipe input, error while transcoding from WebM to MP4

I am trying to record a video from pipe input using FFMPEG. The pipe input is in WebM format i.e. the video codec is VP8 and the audio codec is OPUS. I am able

How to serve MP4 using an express Rest API server so it's compatible with mobile?

I have an express rest API server, and I am trying to use it to get an MP4 file from an S3 bucket and serve it. The video is displayed OK on my desktop, but doe

Removing encoded date of mp4's metadata?

I want to remove encoded data in mp4 file for test. for this, I try to use library like mp4box, ffmpeg, AtomicParsley. But I can't. How can I remove an encoded