Category "multi-factor-authentication"

Can you change user.challengeName in Amplify

I'm trying to give the end-user an option on the UI to reset MFA if the end-user loses access to the device they've been using. I want to change the user.challa

How to setup MFA to be required for a server login

I am in a AWS environment,with Azure AD, and a mix of Windows and Linux servers. We want to enable MFA for logging into any of the Windows based servers. My own

Is there still a Microsoft Authenticator dev API? How can I use It?

I don't know exactly if I should ask this question here, neither if I'm using the exact right tags, but... I need to add a 2FA to a system I'm developing and, w

How AWS Credentials works at GitHub Actions With MFA

Not able to create s3 bucket from terraform code to create s3 bucket. I have code uses: hashicorp/terraform-github-actions/[email protected] env: TF_AC

Connect to Azure SQL in Python with MFA Active Directory Interactive Authentication without using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory dll

To connect to Azure SQL Database using MFA (which is in SSMS as "Active Directory - Universal") Microsoft recommends and currently only has a tutorial on connec

ClientError:An error occurred(AccessDenied)when calling the AssumeRole operation:MultiFactorAuthentication failed with invalid MFA one time pass code

import boto import boto3 from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection from boto.sts import STSConnection # Prompt for MFA time-based one-time password (TOTP) mf

how to use MFA to login sharepoint python

I need to access a list on my SharePoint account that the MFA is already activated using python but i keep getting this error message : Failed to connect to SP

How to redirect from VB.NET legacy web application login page to azure portal to validate azure ad with MFA

I have a time management application that around 30,000 employees are using, which is developed in legacy VB.NET. Of the 30,000 employees, 27,000 will login wi

Firebase SMS multifactor authentication, error.resolver is undefined

I'm following a seemingly outdated documentation page at When signing in