Category "mutation"

how to create register mutation Graphql typescript

import { Arg, Field, ID, InputType, Mutation, ObjectType, Query, Resolver } from "type-graphql"; import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client' const prisma = ne

vuex filter method not working corectly. It shows all items

I have component Filter to find a title of movie from AllMovies. When i filter, the movie list is not working properly setFindMovies is method, filteredMovie

React query mutation: getting the response from the server with onError callback when the API call fails

I am working on a React JS project. In my project, I am using React query, I am using mutation to make t

Fixing mutations done on python's @staticmethod declaration

I have this class static method in python 3, with necessary test code class ExampleClass{ ... @staticmethod def get_new_id: str, id: str):