Category "printing"

Data table Print, pdf EXPORT and CSV NOT WORKING IN Electron app

I am developing an Electron js application and new in data table. i have added print and export option on my script. unfortunately blank popup screen showing wh

Flutter Print on Android Built In Printer

May i ask help to use flutter for print in my android built in printer ? I already search in everywhere but not found a clue but i just try use sunmi pos refere

Print data from Class instance

I want to print out data from a Class instance. I tried including data in str function, but this only works when value is at its default (an empty list). After

How do I turn print into <p>

This is my script: <script> import random import string def get_random_string(length): # choose from all lowercase letter letters = string.prin

Specifying printer tray via MediaPosition does not honor the paper tray settings

Working with a Konica Minolta, I am sending PostScript commands to it. Most of the time everything works correctly and I am able to switch trays using the Media

Sympy plot in a pyscript environment not showing on web screen

Python Sympy running in a pyscript environment is not displaying init_printing(use_unicode=True) characters, for example a √ symbol", nor integrated sympy

How do you print an entire row of a list made of words?

I have simplified my question where I just have a 2x2 list of words. I'm trying to print an entire row but it evidently doesn't work the same as with a list of

after i print a list, it just despeared

In the following code, first create a list collection in the loadDataSet () function, and then use the map function to convert it into a set D ,after that,it ca

select subdomains using print command

cat a.txt rev a.txt | awk -F. '{print $2,$3}' | rev This is showing: e google x google But I want this output a.b.c.d.e

Python, print string on the same line for screen output

I am lost on printing a character on the same line. For example card = "--Diamonds--" Output needed: --Diamonds-- --Diamonds-- --Diamonds-- --Diamonds-- -

Javascript print function not working inside a modal

I want to print data from a pop-up modal on my website, so in the footer of the modal, I added a print button. (The extra divs at the end are from code above):

Pythonic way to print list items

I would like to know if there is a better way to print all objects in a Python list than this : myList = [Person("Foo"), Person("Bar")] print("\n".join(map(str

Android Printing, why do I get warning when i try to print from my mobile

When i try to print from my Android device I see a dialog prompt with a message Your document may pass through one or more servers on its way to the printer. T

How to access the printers connected to a local machine when CUPS is installed in an Ubuntu Server

I have an Odoo Instance running in an Ubuntu Server.I installed the module base_report_to_printer ( Module link :

Printing markdown in VSCode uses different styling than on-screen

When I go to print markdown from VSCode it does render the markdown, but it has a very different styling than the on-screen preview. How do I fix this?

NetSuite - Using SuiteScript to Create Button to Print Packing List on Transfer Order

I'm trying to follow SuiteAnswers 41269 (which is for adding a Packing List to an Item Fulfillment) to add a button to print a packing list to a Transfer Order.

Print Textviews and webview from fragment

I'm using such code for creating pdf from webview PrintManager printManager = (PrintManager) this .getSystemService(Context.PRINT_SERVICE); Pri

Adding printer on windows-docker

We are trying to dockerize some old powerbuilder batch jobs, and the existing code requires a ghostscript printer installed with the exact name (for the details

Receipt printing via serial port (RS-232)

I'd like to write a c++ program(windows console application) to print receipts from a server (via websocket) to a locally connected(via rs-232) receipt printer(

Bootstrap Modal close button issue after print action

I am working on bootstrap modal. I had a set of gallery images. A modal popup is opened on clicking the image. The popup has two buttons one for print the modal