Category "nebular"

Angular. Consuming service from module

I have a project with ConfigService which reads values from config.json Also I use AuthModule from Nebular which configures in module (core.module.ts in my case

Tooltip Wrap in Nebular Framework

I am working in the Akveo Nebular framework using the ngxAdmin core theme using tooltips as hints on complicated settings. I am needing the tooltip to wrap, how

nebular menu parent active class not working

I am using nebular with Angular 6, facing an issue while clicking on menu item , active class on parent menu item not added. but if you see the

How to pass and receive object in component to NbDialog component nebular ngx-admin?

I want to pass object to NbDialogComponent and how to get object from NbDialogComponent. Anyone say, Is way correct? I try this way for pass object, Component f