Category "nestjs-config"

How to fix CORS Error when using the Nest JS framework

I added cors package in the main.ts. but still it's throwing error. I don't understand why this error throwing can you pls explain how to properly handling cors

Nestjs: Unable to connect mongo asynchronously

I am unable to connect to mongodb asynchronously. Please let me know what am I doing wrong. MongoConfig file: import { MongooseModuleOptions } from '@nestjs/mon

How to implement clinic.js in Nest JS Framework (typescript)

I implemented Clinic.js in Node JS. But I don't know how to implement clinic.js in Nest JS Framework. I explore it how to implement clinic.js to Nest JS. But I

How to init RouterModule with variable from ConfigService?

I want to use the RouterModule.register(arrayOfRoutes), but I need to build the arrayOfRoutes with a variable from the ConfigService. What is the proper way to