Category "ng-bootstrap"

Error when installing ng add @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap

There comes an error when installing ng-bootstrap to my Angular-CLI(11.0.4). When ng add @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap And my log file [error] Error: npm ERR! co

Ngb-xx is not a known element

I am trying to use the ngb bootstrap on my Angular project. Every components on ngb throws me an error My package.json and my app.module.ts Did I do so

Remove initial text from ngb-timepicker

I am using this: Copy pasted the following code: <ngb-timepicker [(ngModel)]="time"></n

ng-bootstrap Datepicker defaulting the navigation year to 10 years before the current date

I believe the default behaviour is to default the Year navigation to the current year with 10 years prior as the minimun date and 10 years forward as the maximu

ng-bootstrap - ngbtooltip not working with [(ngModel)]

I'm new to angular 4 and bootstrap beta 2 and trying to use ngbtooltip to show tool tip text. Tooltip on the label is working fine when only input does not have

Error while installing ng-bootstrap in angular v-13

Throwing the below error while trying to install ng-bootstrap in angular version 13 Error : These are the other details respective to the node, npm and os Ang

ng-bootstrap Change default color of radio button

I am new to ng-bootstrap. Default color of radio buttons in ng-bootsrap is blue. I need default color as yellow and on click it should be green. buttons-rad

Angular Bootstrap dynamic dropdown menu overlaping

I am trying to develop a dynamic menu with angular and bootstrap for angular. Specifically, I have been able to get the menus and submenus to display on the pag