I'm very new to nginx and I was tasked with building a reverse proxy with a few services. So far so good, but my next assignment was for the reverse proxy to ha
I have deployed a laravel application in Elastic Beanstalk with Load Balancing. I have to backup my database daily and store it in s3 bucket so I am using Larav
I deployed my spring mvc aplication with tomcat docker image as server in Aks and ingress controller is used for redirection. My application is secured with K
I have been trying to set up Chamilo using LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MariaDB, PHP 7) on CentOS 7 using this link https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorial
I installed my Laravel application on digitalocean with LEMP stack. Afterwards, I followed the instructions for phpmyadmin installation, but when I log in to ph
I'm creating a Nginx file server, and I'm trying to enable the fancy-index module to get have custom header and footer, but I can't get it working, the header/f
AKS ingress with nginx and Key Vault certificates issue with creating secret from cert in vault. Cert is in the key vault has all required permissions. I've imp
i have a project and this project installed on few servers, he has one code, example: Server "A" => Project "A" Server "B" => Project "A" Project has bun
i have a project and this project installed on few servers, he has one code, example: Server "A" => Project "A" Server "B" => Project "A" Project has bun
All is working Ok on develop (tipical) I have flask app (API) docker, postgres docker and VUE app (FRONT). Deployed on production (AWS instance with nginx). Fla
I'm building a site running NginX / PHP and want all access to be processed by /private/routes.php. But I also want to add some exceptions to this for css/js-fi
I have two local backend applications running on : Both of which support websocket connections (totally identical) I have set an n
Have anyone experienced an issue with phpmyadmin suddenly stop exporting? I am running MariaDB 10.3.28, nginx, Php 8.0.17 on Rocky Linux. I don't know if the re
I’ve been trying to deploy a django application with postgresql db on aws elastic beanstalk and i ran into many issues that i surfed and solved. Now the a
I installed the Nginx server on kali linux and I manage to access it by entering localhost in the browser. I then installed Adminer in order to graphically mana
So I'm using a Django Digital Ocean droplet to run a website. I recently tried connecting the IP address of the droplet to a namecheap domain name, but when I c
I would like to achieve this but don't know how, or if it is possible: web.com/anything => if web.com/show.php?query=anything web.com/anything/something =>
When I try to download a file on a workbench with 3000+ records, a 404 nginx error crashes. When I try to download a file with fewer entries, everything is ok.
I have Nginx server that sends request to Apache server for protected content, Apache inturn forwards to Azure ADFS, for Azure ADFS authentication with Apache m
the config file in the Apache site has these lines: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www/html/public/ <