Category "nginx"

When run node js application getting error whitelist ip in mongo cluster

I have implemented node js application and used MongoDB as database using nginx to run the project Everything working fine in local but when code is published i

nginx reverse proxy settings for app in a subfolder

I'm very new to nginx and I was tasked with building a reverse proxy with a few services. So far so good, but my next assignment was for the reverse proxy to ha

Cron job not working in Elastic Beanstalk

I have deployed a laravel application in Elastic Beanstalk with Load Balancing. I have to backup my database daily and store it in s3 bucket so I am using Larav

Keycloak Adapter requires SSL error in AKS

I deployed my spring mvc aplication with tomcat docker image as server in Aks and ingress controller is used for redirection. My application is secured with K

Error when trying to open chamilo using LEMP on Centos7

I have been trying to set up Chamilo using LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MariaDB, PHP 7) on CentOS 7 using this link

Phpmyadmin menu items are not visible. What would be the reason?

I installed my Laravel application on digitalocean with LEMP stack. Afterwards, I followed the instructions for phpmyadmin installation, but when I log in to ph

Nginx fancy-index header and footer never load

I'm creating a Nginx file server, and I'm trying to enable the fancy-index module to get have custom header and footer, but I can't get it working, the header/f

AKS ingress with nginx and Key Vault certificates issue with creating secret nginx cannot find specific specific cert from vault

AKS ingress with nginx and Key Vault certificates issue with creating secret from cert in vault. Cert is in the key vault has all required permissions. I've imp

How create Nginx redirect if php send 404 error

i have a project and this project installed on few servers, he has one code, example: Server "A" => Project "A" Server "B" => Project "A" Project has bun

How create Nginx redirect if php send 404 error

i have a project and this project installed on few servers, he has one code, example: Server "A" => Project "A" Server "B" => Project "A" Project has bun

CORS problem on production (FLASK on docker, VUE static, NGINX)

All is working Ok on develop (tipical) I have flask app (API) docker, postgres docker and VUE app (FRONT). Deployed on production (AWS instance with nginx). Fla

NginX: catch all file outside of root dir, with exceptions

I'm building a site running NginX / PHP and want all access to be processed by /private/routes.php. But I also want to add some exceptions to this for css/js-fi

NGINX not loadbalancing for WS connections

I have two local backend applications running on : Both of which support websocket connections (totally identical) I have set an n

PhpMyAdmin v5.1.3 Export Suddenly Stop Working Chrome Failed - Network Error

Have anyone experienced an issue with phpmyadmin suddenly stop exporting? I am running MariaDB 10.3.28, nginx, Php 8.0.17 on Rocky Linux. I don't know if the re

Django with postgresql deployment on aws elastic beanstalk

I’ve been trying to deploy a django application with postgresql db on aws elastic beanstalk and i ran into many issues that i surfed and solved. Now the a

How to configure Nginx and Adminer

I installed the Nginx server on kali linux and I manage to access it by entering localhost in the browser. I then installed Adminer in order to graphically mana

Django digital ocean droplet isn't showing the website when connected with a namecheap domain

So I'm using a Django Digital Ocean droplet to run a website. I recently tried connecting the IP address of the droplet to a namecheap domain name, but when I c

NGINX rewrite rule using two variables

I would like to achieve this but don't know how, or if it is possible: => if =>

why nginx error 404 when downloading a file

When I try to download a file on a workbench with 3000+ records, a 404 nginx error crashes. When I try to download a file with fewer entries, everything is ok.

headers from apache to nginx after authentication

I have Nginx server that sends request to Apache server for protected content, Apache inturn forwards to Azure ADFS, for Azure ADFS authentication with Apache m