Category "powershell"

Looking to create a script to decrypt password protected PDF files

I have multiple directories of password protected PDF files and I'm looking to decrypt all of these files and save the resulting decrypted file as a new file in

How do I upload the last 3 files in a directory with WinSCP?

Trying to upload the last 3 files in a directory. I figured I can set the last 3 files and make them as an alias but I'm not sure how to do that.. Originally Wi

Extending Bulk AD Accounts Expiration date by 6 months via PowerShell

I am fairly new to PowerShell and this maybe straight forward for a professional. I am looking to extend expiration date a bulk of AD usernames in a text file b

Error when installing necessary packages on Node js

I was installing Node.js on Windows. It installed successfully, and I also selected the option to install necessary files (such as chocolatey) in the node.js in

Terraform virtual machine extension doesn't run as expected

maybe someone can help me with my situation. Scenerio: I created a terraform script which create a windows 10 Virtual machine in Azure. At the end the terraform

How to accept Youtube Cookies Consent with Powershell

Since few days I'm not able to consume any information from Youtube with my Powershell Script, at first the cookies must be accepted in order to see the Videos.

Error cURL AbuseIPDB through Powershell Command - Cannot bind parameter 'Headers'

I'd like to ask about cURL command for AbuseIPDB, as stated in So I tried to run the command with the following Power

Error cURL AbuseIPDB through Powershell Command - Cannot bind parameter 'Headers'

I'd like to ask about cURL command for AbuseIPDB, as stated in So I tried to run the command with the following Power

Difference between Sqlcmd and Invoke-Sqlcmd

I am trying to learn Sqlcmd utility in PowerShell to run SQL queries, specifically for database administration. Using Version 15.0.1300.359 NT But I got confuse

Suppress error Powershell not catching additional error when opening a WPF application

I'm trying to write 'Windows Powershell' command to simply open an application (DaxStudio). These are the options I've tried: Start-Process "c:\Program Files\DA

Powershell script not calling function

I have modified the following script and adapted it to our needs. All is working as expected but the call to the AppendLog in the TRY. The log file gets created

Powershell Regex match statement

Trying to get nxxxxx number as the output from below input, uniqueMember: uid=n039833,ou=people,ou=networks,o=test,c=us uniqueMember: uid=N019560, ou=people, ou

Powershell script to disable all Windows 10 Notifications?

Is there a way to disable Action Center Notifications in Windows 10 with PowerShell?

Generate HTML file with Powershell

I need help ! Currently, I fill a string with HTML code via a powershell script and then i write it in a file index.html However, when I display the index.html

Powershell - add string after 14th 24th 36th 46th and 55th character following a word

We have many files which contain header lines beginning with HDR that need to be updated for clarity. I am new to coding in powershell and would like to know h

Powershell - run script on multiple computers simultaneously

Im working on a script that cleanup old user account and some data from computers. I would like to run the script on 5 computers at one time from the attached l

Get-Date Error in AD Password Expire reminder

this is part of a code that reminds users if their active directory password is about to expire. It used to work, but now I get this error out of a sudden! Mayb

conda init powershell - no action taken - operation failed

In both cmd and powershell, when I input conda init powershell, it always failed as follows: (ifcmapping) C:\Windows\system32>conda init powershell no change

Get-Job Format-Table with Runtimes of Jobs

I am trying to write a PowerShell 5.1 script for monitoring jobs. I am having a problem writing a proper Get-Job table, the following is what I have. Get-Job |

how to automatically update the count of background jobs running in powershell?

I have few background jobs running in powershell and i'm trying to find a way to get the count of jobs "Running" and "Completed" which updates automatically onc