I am trying to expose ArgoCD using ingress and cert-manager in GKE cluster(version 1.21.5-gke.1302) but the certificate is not issued. Steps to reproduce: Insta
Long story short - i do not even know how to google it so here i am asking question here: I want ingress to pass to pod only part of a path it recieves from end
I'm pretty new to K8s. I'm trying to make my app visible to the outside world. I have deployed this Nginx Ingress Controller with my apps, using Helm and helmfi
I am trying to deploy simple REST API app in Kubernetes cluster in AWS EKS. Everything else is reverse proxying just fine. I use following config for deployment
I set up a k8s cluster using kubeadm (v1.18) on an Ubuntu virtual machine. Now I need to add an Ingress Controller. I decided for nginx (but I'm open for other
Recently, I tried to setup letsencrypt using microk8s and the default ingress controller on a bare-metal server. I found a few guides online that were very usef
We are using NGINX ingress in our GKE setup, which means that GCP is using TCP load balancer to route the traffic to Kubernetes NGINX ingress. We serve static c
there are two servers external server on it nginx server internal access to it only through an external server, and also k8s with nginx ingress controller is in
When I add proxy_set_header Host $host; to my ingress file, it stops working. I think I need to set that as the value as I'm trying to expose SSL over Keycloak
I am working with an external API that expects me to self-limit requests to no more than one request every 20 milliseconds (500 req/s total). I can easily do t
I am trying to convert my docker-compose nginx.conf to kubernetes nginx ingress controller. This is my nginx.conf that i am using with docker-compose. server {
I'm trying to secure my nginx-ingress connection with let's encrypt, following this tutorial (https://github.com/digitalocean/Kubernetes-Starter-Kit-Developers/
We have an issue upgrading our nginx ingress controller: We have thousands of ingress objects - all with the same ingress class, provided as an annotation and n
I'm trying to expose a RabbitMQ ssl port via ingress-nginx tcp-services like so: $ cat rabbit-expose-amqps.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name
we are migrating application to AKS. Originally it was deployed on our server and there was a directory with images on the same machine with proxy set. So we ha
using helm bitnami chart nginx-ingress-controller and also this terraform code to create the controller, how to enable the gzip request compression? it seems to
I have tried the answers in this question. This is my current configuration: apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: labels: helm.sh/chart: ingress-nginx
I am setting up an ingress service following some k8s documentation, but I am not able to understand the following annotations: kubernetes.ip/ingress.class: ngi
I have deployed few services in kubernetes and using NGINX ingress to access outside.(Using EC2 instance for all cluster setup). Able to access service through
I currently have the following problem. I have a backend that is behind an nginx-ingress controller used as load balancer in aws. Usually i should get the users