Category "nosql"

Cannot run Cypher query

I have to do that:Find the students who are over 22 years old and are studying Databases. Expected result: MATCH (p:Student)-[:Study]->(s:Subject) WHERE

Azure cosmos Db Criteria query with subdocuments - java spring boot

I'm new to azure cosmos db. i'm trying to read items from container in my spring boot application. i'm using cosmos template with criteria. lets say i have a do

Is there a way to conditionally upsert in Elastic search in a single atomic transaction?

Upsert should only occur if the value of a particular field in the document that I'm attempting to upsert (the index) is greater than the one that is currently

MongoDB - Group by inner element

I am explaining with a simple example see my MongoDB collection looks like this: [ { pid: erwer, qty: 3, LevelDetails: {

Choosing between PartiQL vs U-SQL

I was going through the article here : It looks like "PartiQL"

Mongoose - find object and delete objeto inside array

I have this document : [ { "_id": "626c5fd2aa0fc0e4eef45c94", "productos": [ { "_id": "626d50b621180e291a330333"

Efficiency of Querying 10 Billion Rows (with High Cardinality) in ScyllaDB

Suppose I have a table with ten billion rows spread across 100 machines. The table has the following structure: PK1 PK2 PK3 V1 V2 Where PK represents a partiti

An Alternative to Counter Columns in ScyllaDB

According to the official documentation, among the restrictions on counter columns in ScyllaDB are: The only other columns in a table with a counter column can

Designing DynamoDB database to be searchable by matching a list of strings

I am trying to set up a DynamoDB database where every item is a product. Each product has a list of 1-5 product IDs (12-digit numeric), for example: { 'name

BigTable data schema design

I am learning about BigTable, and trying to design a good schema for it user there will be an ID(unique), in time this user will receive many events(these event

Can not find table using NoSQL Workbench for DynamoDB when connecting to DynamoDB Docker

I've started DynamoDB in Docker: docker run --network xxx --name dynamodb -d -p 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local I've created a table: aws dynamodb create-table

Django with NoSQL database

I am working with an Django application which uses Django 1.8 version. Most of the data we deal with is JSON formatted ones. We are trying to implement any No

Slow MongoDB aggregate with $sort on _id field

I have a records collection with the following indexes: {"_id":1} {"car.make":1,"city":1,"car.mileage":1} And performing the following query: db.records.agg

Designing tags system with nosql/elastic search

I have to design a system with this schema. { "documentId" : 123 "documentType" : "paper" "tags" :["abc","xyz"] //other meta data of document } The queries

Mysql : How to run heavy analytical query at real time

I am running a crm application which uses mysql database. My application generating lots of data in mysql. Now i want to give my customer a reporting section wh

How do these database management systems practically behave during a network partition?

I am looking into deploying a database management system, replicated across regions (various data centers across a country). I am currently looking into the fol

What is the difference between MySQL and NoSQL Database?

I have been asked this question in several interviews and I am looking for answers in the terms of how do we choose between MySQL database and NoSQL database fo

Aerospike vs. SeaweedFS?

Aerospike is a (mostly commercial) distributed key value NoSQL database. SeaweedFS is a (open source) distributed file system that is based on Facebook’s

Is it good practice to have multiple keyspaces in Cassandra?

I've Cassandra configured on Amazon EC2 having 3 nodes(instances) in single cluster. Now what I want to do is give some space on Cassandra to my clients by crea

FS.Readable Stream skipping rows when importing to noSQL using Mongoose schemas

I am attempting to import a CSV using my mongoose modal and regardless of its size, I am importing the first 2 rows and then every other row. const fs = require