Category "terminal"

No `Podfile' found in the project directory

I'm trying to run pod install command in android studio but terminal outputs the following error : [!] No Podfile' found in the project directory.

IntelliJ IDEA Terminal not see commands

I'm using Fedora 35 Linux and I installed IntelliJ IDEA via flatpak, and when I try to use the docker command in the IDEA's terminal window, it gives me the fol

Run command in tmux and update the status bar

I wrote a simple shell script that will show IP every 15 sec (it checks for VPN basically )... I wanted to add that in my status bar and I did it with #() but i

zsh: command not found on MacOS Monterey

I wanted to create a react project and when I executed the command it said zsh: command not found: npx Then I tried the ls command and it said zsh: command not

How to set terminal tabs titles in zsh, to vim filenames

I am using a oh-my-zsh shell in an Apple terminal (2.11) in full screen, and by default the name of the tabs is the name of the program being run (eg. vim). Is

How to set terminal tabs titles in zsh, to vim filenames

I am using a oh-my-zsh shell in an Apple terminal (2.11) in full screen, and by default the name of the tabs is the name of the program being run (eg. vim). Is

Cmder wrong colors using Windows Terminal

I am trying to use Cmder in Windows Terminal. I tried following this guide, and I did everything as it says. However, there is a small issue. No matter what I d

Why does ksh's vi-mode in Terminal on macOS "Big Sur" sometimes corrupts the edit line?

I noticed that sometimes when trying to edit a line in the history to re-run a command, that ksh would garble the line and move the cursor up a line. It was rea

Export file to serve while evaluating Wolframscript through command line

I am trying to use a server to do a set of computations for me, and then export the results as a csv to the server to then be transferred to my own computer. I

Could not find conda environment

I am trying to re-enter my conda environment but I am having trouble doing so as when I type conda activate (evironment name) or source activate (environment na

How to commit code for a second time on terminal [closed]

I have committed a code into my branch, no one has written anything in it. Do I just git add then git commit -m '' and then git push as usual

Unable to install jenkins in mac

I am trying to install the Homebrew throwgh following command in Terminal: brew install jenkins-lts but the result is: -bash: brew: command not found what is yo

Read-only file system when attempting mkdir /data/db on Mac [closed]

I am trying to create a new folder in the main directory Tried all kinds of examples sudo mkdir /data/db sudo mkdir -p /data/db I keep

Error everytime I open Terminal I get "zsh: command not found"

Even basic commands like 'pwd' or 'ls' I get the same error message. I'm completely lost, been looking across all websites looking for a solution. I've found co

Run a while-loop as subprocess in background

Unhappily my last post was marked as duplicate and my problem wasn't solved. So I've to phrase it a little bit different. Below you can see my main-file(SP_Tes

Restart terminal without closing on MacOS

How to restart my current MacOS terminal session without closing the window? In Linux I use exec bash but it does not work in this environment. I made a few ch

Creating mongoDB alias with .bash_profile on the cmder is not working

this is my first ever question. Okay.. Relevant to this problem : I am using cmder I am new to the terminal I am using a windows PC I'm following a tutorial on

The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to locate a Java Runtime that supports apt

I am using M1 Mac OS11.5.2. I've already downloaded zulu.jdk and zulu.jre, in "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines". I also exported the PATH. echo export "JAVA_H

Setting fix for terminal color in VSCode

I just started to download vscode minutes ago. However, I am having a problem with my terminal in vscode where it is just plain white, including the path text.

Setting fix for terminal color in VSCode

I just started to download vscode minutes ago. However, I am having a problem with my terminal in vscode where it is just plain white, including the path text.