Category "notepad++"

Notepad++ menu font is white. How o change it

I have messed up notepad++ such that the menu font appears in white. Not sure how to change it. Any tips?

Why did Shift+F3 stop working in Notepad++?

F3 (find next) and Shift+F3 (find previous) work in many other editors. F3 continues to work in version 7.8.9, but Shift+F3 stopped working: it just does nothin

Check currently installed Notepad++ version in Powershell

I need to know the currently installed Notepad++ version for an auto update script. Does anybody know how I can get it within Powershell? Maybe there is a regis

How to compare two files in Notepad++

I want to compare values from two different files. In Notepad++ version 5.0.3 we had shortcut button Alt+d but in version 6.6.8 I cannot find any option to comp

is there an autosave function/plugin for notepad++?

After an unplanned system restart, all of my Notepad++ temp (and unsaved) tabs are gone. How can I avoid this in future? I don't want to have to save explicitl

Convert regular text to array using notepad++

i am trying to use notepad++ to select a new line and replace it with this " ',' ", so that i can use it in PHP as an array and then work on it, but i dont kno

Notepad++ find in files filter EXCLUDE

I'm looking for a way to get n++'s find in files dialog to exclude certain files... the only reference I've found so far is this

Refresh document in notepad++

I have a php script running which writes to a logfile. I opened the logfile in Notepad++ to see any new content. But i noticed that the content is only refreshi