Category "npm-start"

How do I run "npm run watch" on specific address and port? (Laravel mix)

How can I run npm watch with a specific url and port? In my package.json file I have following the line "watch": "mix watch", in the scripts section, which wor

NPM install not work and make lock-json file

Hi I'm trying to install npm to run a kit. my node version is: v12.18.3 my npm version is: 6.14.6 my folder is "test" and I'm installing npm with this command:

Why does "npm start" work without "run", but no other script does? [duplicate]

In my package.json file, there is the "scripts" section with my "start" script. When I type npm start it runs the "start" script. But for any

npm start errors with ERR! code ENOENT, syscall open

I'm suddently having a problem with "npm start" in my React application. When I trigger it, this is what I receive: npm ERR! code ENOENT npm ERR! syscall open

What To Do Failed Compiling?

I am getting an error while running the command npm start. The file is created in PancakeSwap Frontend and I've been trying to fix this for a while, thanks for

Getting "Html Webpack Plugin: Error: Child compilation failed: Module.createRequire is not a function" when trying to run React app

Trying to run npm start within my React app is causing the following: Error: Child compilation failed: Module.createRequire is not a function - child-c