Category "nswag"

Validate Requests in NSwag generated Client

I have a .NET 6 Webclient and REST Contract, that is generated from a YAML with NSwag. The contract contains some validation properties. Is there any way to val

NSwag Studio C# generated client code does not have any return types assigned

I am trying to generate some client code from a swagger.json file and the methods created by NSwag do not have any return types as you can see below: Can anyone

I want scope checkbox checked by default swagger Nswag

Here is Swagger/OpenAPI definition: services.AddOpenApiDocument(document => { document.DocumentProcessors.Add(new SecurityDefinitionAppe

How to declare Nullable response types in SwashBuckle (generating clients in NSwagStudio)

We use SwashBuckle to configure our AspNet Core (Service fabric) project to generate Swagger json and UI. Then we use NSwagStudio to generate typescript and C#