Category "data-wrangling"

Creating new pandas columns from substrings in a list

I have data in a csv called 'Features' which is of this form: 0 [Shops: Close by, Passing trade: Yes] 1 [Lift: Yes, No of Bedrooms: 1, Bedroom 1 Dims:

Is it possible to connect to a Postgres DB from SageMaker Data Wrangler?

I set up a regular Postgres DB in AWS using the Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). I would like to ingest this data using data wrangler for inspection an

randomly split dataframe into groups with even distribution of values

I have a dataframe of two groups (A and B) and within those groups, 6 subgroups (a, b, c, d, e, and f). Example data below: index group subgroup value 0

Subset data based on variable prefix

I have a large dataset in which the answers to one question are distributed among various columns. However, if the columns belong together, they share the same