Category "nuget-package"

Visual Studio Nuget packages

Am trying to get nuget packages into my visual studio project. NuGet Package manager is not package source of ''... just show Ms VS offline packages.

Install Nuget-Dependency with package created over .nuspec file

I'm trying to create a NuGet-Package from several thrird-party library files. One of these files have a dependency to System.Drawing.Common. So I tried to add t

Visual Studio Nuget Update - Access denied to \packages\System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.4.3.2\.signature.p7s is denied

Hi currently getting the above error when trying to restore or update packages via Nuget on VS2019 16.8.2. The project was built on anothe rmachine then moved t

Can't Install Nuget Package

I am trying to install System.Runtime.Handles so I can use SafeAccessTokenHandle and RunImpersonated, however when I try to install the package I get the error

Publishing WPF application fails du to unauthorized .NuGet service index (Azure DevOps)

I want to publish one of my WPF applications (to a folder). The app needs some NuGet packages that I published via Azure Devops. I signed in with Visual Studio

Install .NuPKG on VS 2017

I have seen 4+ different answers, some of which say "But doesn't work on VS 2017" (which I have). Sshould be straightforwad, but nothing is. I have FluentFTP.N

Nuget Package Source is not prompting for credentials

I've added a NuGet Source. It needs credentials but when I'm installing a package using install-package packageName nothing happens. I tried the same steps on

Loading Assemblies from NuGet Packages

Sometimes in my PowerShell scripts, I need access to a specific DLL, using Add-Type -AssemblyName. However, the DLLs I need aren't always on the machine or in t