Category "object"

How can I access class members after creating a new object for that class?

I know my question doesn't really explain my problem all that well, but I'll try my best here. I have a graph program. It should add new vertices and edges, and

React useContext to pass person object from signup to phone verification

I working on a portal using react and I am trying to pass the form data which is an object from the signup page to the phone verification page so I can verify a

How to convert array of objects into custom grouped array

I am trying to convert the data object to custom format This is my data which i want to convert [ { Name: 15, GroupID: 1, Id: 1 }, { Name: 16, GroupID: 1,

Add item to object if the object exists or create new object if it does not exists

I need to add an item to an object if the object exists, otherwise I need to create new object with the item. I know the existence of Object.assign function, bu

Adding objects to IEnumerable

Im making a basic CSV Reader. Im sepparating the header from the contents using header and data. Now, my lists contain data of the type person.: public

How to Remove quotation mark with object data type from a column in Python and convert to float

Customer id ----- object ValueError: could not convert string to float: "'5769842393258'" df["Customer id"] = df["Customer id"] .replace('"', '',

How to access a class object inside a list when a value for one of the class attributes is given in Python?

I have a list of class objects and I want to know how can I print a particular class object inside the list given a value for one of its attributes. Here is my

How to detect if a variable is a pure javascript object

I have a function I need to pass an object to. I use typeof operator to make a check before processing. But looking at this link, it appears that many javascrip

How to rename iterably object properties

Every Object properties have underscored the first letter; I wanna delete this first substring, and try the string method "replace" to all object properties, bu

What are these 2 files in the CenterNet MobileNetV2 from the Tensorflow OD model zoo?, Do we need them?

Do we need these files?, The Tensorflow Doc don't say anything about them

Accessing a JSON array inside of a JSON object in Android Studio

I am testing my knowledge and ability with android studio and API's, I have been using volley and I have come across a little problem. The API I have been using

How can I access and process nested objects, arrays or JSON?

I have a nested data structure containing objects and arrays. How can I extract the information, i.e. access a specific or multiple values (or keys)? For examp

searching in arraylist always not found

no matter what I use indexof() or contains or .equals() changing everything to uppercase or to lowercase It always return false and not found can someone please

How to map more than one property from an array of objects

I have an array of Object as follows: var obj = [ {a: 1, b: 5, c: 9}, {a: 2, b: 6, c: 10}, {a: 3, b: 7, c: 11}, {a: 4, b: 8, c: 12} ]; I know about how

What is the most efficient way to deep clone an object in JavaScript?

What is the most efficient way to clone a JavaScript object? I've seen obj = eval(uneval(o)); being used, but that's non-standard and only sup

handle multiple checkboxes and complex data structure (reactjs)

Since I am pretty new to React and also not a huge expert on JS especially ES6, I wonder how to make my code (that works) prettier and refactor it. I want to h

Unable to retrieve the correct value from a list of object within object

I am quite new to javascript and I've been struggling with this type of challenge. I understand the problem and implement a logic to solve the issue but I am un

Unable to retrieve the correct value from a list of object within object

I am quite new to javascript and I've been struggling with this type of challenge. I understand the problem and implement a logic to solve the issue but I am un

JavaScript object assignment: unexpected behaviour

Suppose we have two objects: var a = { foo: { bar: 1 } } var b = { foo: { bar: 2 } } If I set the object b to a (a = b), I expect that a takes the value of b

Calling a native C++ method from C++/CLI

I'm developing Wordle in C++ using a .net graphic interface with visual studio. I have a file.h that contains a class "WordDatabase", and I need to use one of t