Category "objective-c"

How to add properties in info.plist in iOS

I want to open PDF attachment via email in my own application: I refer two link here: How do I associate file types with an iPhone application? and here on Rayw

CGDisplayIOServicePort is deprecated in OS X >= 10.9, how to replace?

I did small app to allow quickly change screen resolutions on multiple monitors. I want to show product name as title of the monitor, and it's very simple to fi

Can I change multiplier property for NSLayoutConstraint?

I created two views in one superview, and then added constraints between views: _indicatorConstrainWidth = [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:self.view1 at

Using UINavigationController to decide which view is currently showing

I would like to know if there is a way to tell which UIViewController is currently showing by using the UINavigationController. I have a delegate in which I ret

static let sharedInstance not accessible from Objective-C code

Problem: The declared static let sharedInstance is not accessible from Objective-C code when building the main app target. Code: @objc public protocol Manag

static let sharedInstance not accessible from Objective-C code

Problem: The declared static let sharedInstance is not accessible from Objective-C code when building the main app target. Code: @objc public protocol Manag

Use of undeclared identifier 'FIRApp'

After import the Firebase.h file i wrote "[FIRApp configure]" on "- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *

UITableView with fixed section headers

Greets, I'm reading that the default behaviour of UITableView is to pin section header rows to the top of the table as you scroll through the sections until the

iOS 11 scrolling infinite when keyboard pops up

As im working on with the login screen on iOS native app, app worked exactly fine till ios 10. on iOS 11 onwards the topLayoutGuide and bottomLayoutGuide, i hav

Snap to center of a cell when scrolling UICollectionView horizontally

I know some people have asked this question before but they were all about UITableViews or UIScrollViews and I couldn't get the accepted solution to work for me

Return String Generated by PHP Webpage

I have a url like the following: Depending on wether or not the access token is valid, either a 1 or 'in

Invalid Swift Support / The SwiftSupport folder is empty

Environment: Xcode 7 GM I uploaded iOS app successfully using Xcode without error. This app is written in Objective-C and Swift. However, immediately after su

UIKeyboard issue in UITextfield and UITextview

I couldn’t able to enter space character in UITextview or UITextfield while tapping space from UIKeyboard. After multiple taps, a single space character w

Add "...Read More" to the end of UILabel

I have a UILabel and in some cases the text is longer then the UILabel itself, so I see the text as "bla bla bla..." I want to add a ...Read More button text at

Is it possible to display segment of the UIImage?

I have UIImage with some rounded shape. Is it possible to display somehow some sector of this UIImage. For example only the region from 0 degrees to 45 degrees?

How to find people using my app within some radius of my location

Hi I build the app to find all bar and cafe within some radius of my location with API of google, now I want to add all people using my app within some radius o

Class is implemented in both. One of the two will be used

I have a project that has a dependency (installed via CocoaPods) using SocketRocket and have imported a static library from HeapAnalytics. Apparently the HeapAn

Logging the class name of all UIViewControllers in a project

We have received a HUGE project from outsourcing that we are trying to "repair". There are hundreds of view controllers within the project. Our goal is to easil

it possible to Pass Data with popViewControllerAnimated?

I came across an interesting problem, i have main ViewController let's call him MainVC with navigationController and i am doing performSegueWithIdentifier from

What do the null-related property attributes in Xcode do?

With Xcode 6.3 I noticed some property attributes, namely: nonnull null_resettable nullable Could someone explain what they do when applied?