I am using keychain in my macOS app to store jwt tokens (access and refresh)(kSecClassGenericPassword) and I have figure out that I can't manage existed data vi
This is the line that the error is occurring on. [self addAttribute:(__bridge NSString*)kCTForegroundColorAttributeName value:(__bridge id)color.CGColor range
I have a litle problem with saving a color in NSUserDefaults . In objective-c is easy : -(NSColor *)colorForKey:(NSString *)key{ NSData *data; NSColor *color
How do you get the class name of a UIViewController class in Swift? In Objective-C, we can do something like this: self.appDelegate = (shAppDelegate *)[[UIAppli
I'd like to append an NSTextAttachment image to my attributed string and have it centered vertically. I've used the following code to create my string: NSMuta
I'm trying to use the CLLocationManager framework in my iOS project to access the user's location but when I call [locationManager startUpdatingLocation] ne
In objective-c, function cal is translated to objc_msgSend. e.g. [foo doSomething:@"keke"] is translated to objc_msgSend(foo, "doSomething:", @"keke") How
I would like to constrain mouse movement to a specific rectangular region of the screen in OS X 10.11. I modified some code from MouseTools (below) to do this b
I am working on a project where I need to create a similar iOS application to UBER and OLA where the car is moving based on the location. I'm looking for some k
I'm making a card game for mac and I'm using a CABasicAnimation to making the card flip around. It's almost working, but it could be a bit better. As it works
In SpriteKit, if you load an image with the [SKTexture textureWithImageNamed:] method, it will first search your bundles, then atlases, if it fails to find your
I'm experiencing a problem with ScrollView, my scrollView has 640 of width, from 0 to 320 it's a mapView, from 320 to 640 it's a tableView. I have a segmentedBu
TableViewApplication[1458:70b] CUICatalog: Invalid asset name supplied: (null), or invalid scale factor: 2.000000 Getting this warning while working with Ta
I have a UILabel with Text inside it called : self.textLabel; Now, I noticed that whenever I added an accented letter like Ä Ö Ü, then I get
I have an app that has a UIScrollView with an array of thumbnails for videos. When you touch the thumbnail, the thumbnail begins playing the video. However, whe
I have an issue in a client's app where calls to valueForKey: on an NSManagedObject subclass are failing for particular CoreData properties when the app is buil
In a page I am using a scroll view to show two views. For scrolling to each view I have to change the Background alpha in different manner (Or I have to show di
I'm trying to install Firebase via CocoaPods for my Objective-C iOS Application. My Podfile is as follows: target 'RandomName' do pod 'Firebase/Core' pod 'Fire
i am developing an app where the music is played via AVPlayer using songs from a cloud service. everything works fine and most of the files are playing without
I m trying to add Firebase Analytic and Firebase Crashlytics using Swift package manager here is a link of git for firebase SDKhttps://github.com/firebase/fireb