Category "office-js"

Office.js displayDialogAsync error when displayInIframe: false

I'm trying to display, in an outlook web add-in, a dialog from a taskpane using the displayDialogAsync function. At first, I used displayInIframe: true and ever

Excel API 1.1 - error while adding content to table

I'm trying to create an ```Office add-in`` for Excel but encounter the following problem. This occurred after updating de server. Setup: Excel API 1.1 Windows S

Replacing text in a chart title

I'm afraid there's no code in this question, but I'm looking for feedback. I have a VBA addin called FlexFind ( which I a

Outlook "Web Add-in" not appearing on Shared Mailbox, despite SupportsSharedFolders= True

we have this addin: This one on the store is working as expected. As we need to support sharedi

Remove Excel workbook onSelectionChange event

I am working on a Excel Web Add-In using Office.js. I added onSelectionChange event for a workbook and later trying to remove it, but this event still works. He

Office.js | Desktop excel | restrict user to interact with excel or add-ins pane if dialog is open

I am using office.js to create excel add-ins. I do have requirement to open dialog box from task pane and show task pane content in to the dialog box. To show t

OfficeJs - How to display modal dialog

I am using OfficeJs to create word add-in. In that i want to show modal dialog on click on ribbon button. I have used below API Office.context.ui.displayDialogA

ADD-IN ERROR - This add-in cloud not be started. - CRITICAL

I have notice this error happens for ALL modern Outlook Office Add-ins. Searching the net I can also see that many other Modern Outlook Add-ins are having the

word add-in using OfficeJs

We already developed Excel add-in using officejs with RESTful api with Batching in custom Functions. And we wanted to achieve same in Word add-in hence kindly s

Outlook add-in is showing an empty html content upon first load

I am currently building an office 365 add-in on outlook and upon first load the add in is showing an empty html content like so before the whole add in render c

When a call made to function, I am getting 'Word' is undefined in word 2016

Issue: Here I am using an word add-in in word 2016. When a call a function which uses is giving an error as 'Word' is undefined. The add-in file is wor

How to set table width percentage using office js

I am working on Office JS word addin project. I am creating a table with 4 columns. I want to set width percentage to 30%,30%,20%,20% respectively. How can I se

Excel failing to load basic custom functions add-in

First, environment: Excel Version 1905 (Build 11629.20246 Click-To-Run) Connected to Office 365 ProPlus Windows 10 Enterprise 10.0.16299 Build 16299 I've bee

How can I get a list of other users in the current excel sheet?

I am the author of an Excel add-in that loads data from an internal api. What I want to do is avoid having many users run the StreamingInvocations concurrently

How can I get a list of other users in the current excel sheet?

I am the author of an Excel add-in that loads data from an internal api. What I want to do is avoid having many users run the StreamingInvocations concurrently

Excel Add-Ins custom functions not loaded in Excel on-line

Add-Ins custom functions work fine on desktop, but throw a CORS error when loaded in on-line Excel: Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disall

Getting text from the pointer till the end of the document in JS Word api

How can i get the text in range from the current location of the cursor till the end of the file? I use JavaScript Word api.

How can I send an email with my outlook add-in

my friends and I are making an outlook add-in that can take the text from an email in the user's inbox and send it to our email address. the email part of this

How to detect Windows 10 and Office 365 versions in Word JS Add-In

Our Word Add-In (using Office-js), which is still work in progress isn't compatible with IE11. We aren't sure we would like to support that either, certainly no

Validate UserIdentityToken with Javascript

How do i use javascript to validate the token from Office.context.mailbox.getUserIdentityTokenAsync(). Are there any javascript libraries for this?