Category "opacity"

Applying opacity to ZStack in SwiftUI

Here is my code of two overlapping rects, with opacity applied to them. var body: some View { let r = Rectangle() .foregroundColor(.blue) .f

Issue on label and panel's transparency

Here there is my frame: As you can see, there are some components (JLabel, JPanel, JTable, JScrollPane) on which I called the metod setBackgroundColor(new Colo

Javascript remove background color and opacity

How can I remove the background-color and opacity property using Javascript only (no Jquery!). I tried this: document.getElementById('darkOverlay').style.remo change line opacity, leave markers opaque

Is it possible to change the line opacity but not the marker opacity? I found that I can set the opacity of the entire line including markers (opacity = .5) and

How to add smooth transitions to a very simple javascript slideshow

I have the following JavaScript to make a slideshow: window.addEventListener('load', main, false); var number = 1; var interval; function main() { interv

Java - set opacity in JPanel

Let's say I want to make the opacity of a JPanel %20 viewable? I don't mean setOpaque (draw or not draw) or setVisible (show or hide)... I mean make it see-thro