Category "opencv-python"

cv2.error: OpenCV(4.5.2) .error: (-215:Assertion failed) !_src.empty() in function 'cv::cvtColor'

import cv2 #for image processing import easygui #to open the filebox import numpy as np #to store image import imageio #to read image stored at particular path

Crop colour image according to OTSU threshold

I have a colour image which I have sucessfully applied the OTSU thresholding method on its greyscale form to obtain the outline of the biscuit: Original Colour

OpenCV contrib / Surface Matching / Demo script wrong result / Python / Point Pair Features (PPF)

Installed versions: opencv-contrib-python opencv-python I try to run the demo python script ( for surface matching i

How to specify python type hints for complex package as opencv or tensorflow?

I am building a python library and I writing a function like this: def addimg(image) -> None: now I want to specify the type of image as an OpenCV image (e.

How can i speed up camera frame rate on display window in python/kivy?

I am trying to make an inventory app (qr/data matrix) where equipment can be added and organized using a QR/data matrix code. When i run the camera the frame ra

Python add audio to video opencv

I use python cv2 module to join jpg frames into video, but I can't add audio to it. Is it possible to add audio to video in python without ffmpeg? P.S. Sorry fo

Image Search using Image Similarity Measures

I am working on a project which is image searching engine. The logic behind is that there will be some images stored in a database and the user will input a new

Getting errors with opencv and mediapipe for making Hand Tracking Module in Python 3.7.9

I am getting the following error whenever I try to run my code, I am following a tutorial for hand tracking, I followed the steps correctly but I still to have