Category "openpyxl"

How do I insert a row every nth row in openpyxl?

I have a workbook in which I get data from a program and I was trying to automate some of the tasks, Basically there is data for a game every 4 rows and it goes

pandas does not read my excel file and even break the existed file

I want to stack a series of dataframe in one excel file and I wrote the code below. if os.path.isfile(result) is False: with pd.ExcelWriter(result, engine='

Skipping certain amount of cells if a condition is true in a for loop (Python)

I'm trying to tell python to insert "No work" in certain amount of cells, depending on how many days has passed since the codes was run. So basically, let imagi

Formula Cell Wont Update Openpyxl

I fill the cells I need, then I set the total formula. It works right in one column, with normal numbers, but in the column with times (hh:mm:ss) the total cel

ImportError: Missing optional dependency 'openpyxl' still doesn't work after instllation

ubuntu 18.04, python3.8 and using pycharm. Interpreter path in pychamr is correctly set. while trying to read specific sheet in excel, using openpyxl it keeps o

Pandas: Writing Dataframe to an open Excel File

I am trying to call this python script from VBA in Excel with the click of a button, it will read the data but it will not write if the Excel file is open.. Eve

Pandas: Writing Dataframe to an open Excel File

I am trying to call this python script from VBA in Excel with the click of a button, it will read the data but it will not write if the Excel file is open.. Eve

Pandas to_excel( ) output float point is not right

I have some a weird situation trying to get the output in to_excel pandas function. I tried to read a xlsx excel file with the number "21631706.9893399", but wh

Failure importing openpyxl in Spyder 5.1.5

So I am trying to open a.xlsc file in Spyder using pandas. After importing pandas as pd, when using pd.read_excel() command in the console, it showed the error:

Openpyxl: Decode 'auto' color to rgb value

I am trying to determine the color of borders set in an Excel document. I use the 'openpyxl' library (latest Version 3.0.9) and encountered a problem to extract

How can I find the last non-empty row of excel using openpyxl 3.03?

How can I find the number of the last non-empty row of an whole xlsx sheet using python and openpyxl? The file can have empty rows between the cells and the em

Python: got an AttributeError when using the font attribue of the openpyxl module

The code below is from a Python tutoring website. But I get the AttributeError when running it. import openpyxl from openpyxl.styles import Font wb = openpyxl.

Any optimize way to iterate excel and provide data into pd.read_sql() as a string one by one

#here I have to apply the loop which can provide me the queries from excel for respective reports: df1 = pd.read_sql(SQLqueryB2, con=con1) df2 = pd.rea

openpyxl - Load only a single sheet to prevent pivot tables from being involved

I want to load an .xlsx file with openpyxl: from openpyxl import Workbook, load_workbook wb = load_workbook(filename = "my_excel_file.xlsx", data_only = True)

how to append data frame to existed formulated excel file

if u have a formulated excel file and now wants to append data frame by python then how.. I used this code but did not get output mypath="C:\\Users\\egoyrat\\

Processing images in XLSX using Python

I have an xlsx that has two sheets: on has some data in G1:O25 (let's call this "data") and one that has some images inserted into cells in G1:O25 (let's call t

How to save a new sheet in an existing excel file, using Pandas?

I want to use excel files to store data elaborated with python. My problem is that I can't add sheets to an existing excel file. Here I suggest a sample code to

Preserving Data Groupings when writing to Worksheet using OpenPyxl

Disclaimer: I am a beginner-level, self-taught casual 'programmer' with Python. Background: I have a script that takes Groupings of data from an .xlsx Workbook

How to write a loop with openpyxl that allows me to copy a range many times below (watch photo)

I work in Finance and I'm pretty new to Python. I'd like to make a loop with openpyxl which copies the cell contents B2:B15 below in the same column. Ideally ma

openpyxl set color of bar in bar chart

I would like to set the color of the bar in a bar chart with openpyxl. I created the following data = Reference(sheet, min_col=3, min_row=6, max_col=4, max_ro