Category "openweathermap"

How to get openweathermap icon from OneCall API nested-list?

I'm adding weather forecast data to my app. The info displays in a RecyclerView after it is received by an API call using Retrofit 2. I'm having trouble getting

Flutter OpenWeatherMap api fetch forecast

So... I got this One Call Api which also includes forecast for 7 days. I managed to get display the current weather (temp, and icon) but how do I get the foreca

raster tiles from a custom source in ReactMapGL

I'm new to ReactMapGL library, I need to load openweathermap data on Mapbox map using ReactMapGL library following the way I have tried but it is not successful

How do I get wind in km/h in PyOWM?

I made a program that retrieves the current weather in users city using PyOWM. I am having trouble understanding how to display wind using km/h in PyOWM. I trie

How to round the degrees OpenWeather APIs

I have a script to extract the time, and for a long time I've been trying to round the degrees from 6.27C ° to 6C °. How can I do this? <?php $apiKey

React - get data with axios

In my react app that is based on class components, My response API got from open weather fixes after several lags. this is my state class Weather extends Compon

How to display icon with openweather api in rails app

I tried to display icon with openweather api. It work this _else.html.erb . . <div class="tenki"> <h2>Tokyo</h2> <img src="http:

OpenWeatherMap API to get weather of multiple cities in XHR

I am new to API. I am trying to get the weather of 2 cities, but I am not able to think of a solution. Here is my code: function loadDoc() { var xhttp = new X